notion (4.0.1+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Notion 4 includes a number of changes that are either not backwards compatible, or change the default behavior. Please see the migration page about details: -- Dima Kogan Wed, 30 Dec 2020 22:38:23 -0800 notion (3+2015061300-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The default META key has been changed from Mod1 ("Alt" on usual keyboards) to Mod4 ("Windows" on usual keyboards). This cleanly resolves a potential conflict between window manager bindings (all use the "Windows" key) and applications (all use the "Alt" key). If you were using the default without explicitly setting it AND you want to stick with the previous setting, you MUST now add META="Mod1+" somewhere in your configuration. The configuration lives in ~/.notion or if it isn't found there, in /etc/X11/notion. A reasonable place to make this change is cfg_notion.lua or /etc/default/notion. -- Dima Kogan Tue, 24 Nov 2015 23:32:23 -0800