Editors ------- While ocp-indent can be used from the commandline it can also be integrated into emacs or vim. Emacs: echo '(load-file "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ocp-indent.el")' >>~/.emacs Vim: echo 'autocmd FileType ocaml source /usr/share/vim/addons/syntax/ocp-indent.vim' >>~/.vimrc Configuration ------------- Commandline parameters can be specified in a configuration file. An example can be found in /usr/share/doc/ocp-indent/examples/.ocp-indent Consult the comments in that file and the ocp-indent man page for documentation of the possible values. If an `.ocp-indent` file is found in the current directory, then it overrides definitions from `~/.ocp/ocp-indent.conf` which in turn overrides the built-in defaults. Command-line options override parameters found in configuration files.