ocsinventory-server for Debian ============================== Support for other agents ------------------------ Starting from version 2.0.2, support for non-native agents has been included upstream. To add support for another agent, edit file etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-server.conf and add:: PerlSetEnv OCS_OPT_EXT_USERAGENTS_FILE_PATH /etc/ocsinventory/agents.txt Create file /etc/ocsinventory/agents.txt and add one agent name per line. Database -------- Since version 2.0, the Debian package does not use dbconfig to automatically create the database user and the database. You will have to run install.php to create database and ocs user. Please note that this has been decided in agreement with upstream developers. Post-installation notes ----------------------- Please note that after first installation, or after an upgrade, it's recommended to call http://your_ocs_server/ocsreports/install.php ; Upgrading from previous version ------------------------------- If the previous version was installed using dbconfig to create the database, you will have to get the password to be able to perform the upgrade. The password can be found in file /etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory.conf, and also in /etc/dbconfig-common/ocsinventory-server.conf The default login is 'ocs'. The install.php script will handle the database upgrade (it can take a while). Debian changes -------------- File /etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-reports.conf and /etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-server.conf have been renamed ocsinventory.conf and ocsreports.conf to allow an easy upgrade from previous versions. ipd,snmp and download directories are placed in /var/lib/ocsinventory-server. The embedded copy of jquery (ocsinventory-reports/js/graph/jquery-1.6.2.js) is replace by a symlink to the file from package libjs-jquery. It's possible to install ocsinventory-server and ocsinventory-reports on different web-servers, but please take in account that ocsinventory-reports's install.php script builds and update the database. Security -------- Important: access to the reports server should be restricted -- Pierre Chifflier Thu, 05 Apr 2012 21:09:29 +0200