pakcs (2.1.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/pakcs.links: + Fix broken symlink from /usr/lib/pakcs/docs to the pkg's doc folder. (Closes: #924201). -- Mike Gabriel Sun, 17 Mar 2019 21:45:24 +0100 pakcs (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. - Fix loading for external Prolog files. (Closes: #922024). * debian/pakcs.links: + Typo fix in link target path. * debian/rules: + Patch $(CURRYTOOLSDIR)/cpm/Makefile and fix installation path of the cpm template files. + Unset PAKCSBUILDDIR variables wherever used. Hide the build path of the pakcs DEB package. -- Mike Gabriel Wed, 20 Feb 2019 15:35:00 +0100 pakcs (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. + Sort listed files. * debian/control: + Bump Curry B-Ds and Ds to recent versions. + Bump Standards-Version: to 4.3.0. No changes needed. * debian/*: + Install documentation and example files into /usr/share/doc/pakcs and symlink them where needed. * debian/pakcs.lintian-overrides: + Drop file. Not required anymore. * debian/upstream/metadata: + Fix Repository-^Cowse: field. * debian/{rules,control}: + Use rdfind and symlinks to get rid of some duplicate documentation files (and symlink them instead). -- Mike Gabriel Sat, 02 Feb 2019 15:25:32 +0100 pakcs (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/patches: + Rebase 2001_run-cleancurry-from-inside-debian-subfolder.patch. * debian/control: + Bump Standards-Version. to 4.2.1. No changes needed. + B-D and D on latest curry-frontend, curry-libs and curry-tools. + Drop from D (pakcs): libjs-prototype. Not required anymore by pakcs. * debian/upstream/metadata: + Add file. Comply with DEP-12. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 23 Nov 2018 16:15:07 +0100 pakcs (2.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/control: + Update Vcs-*: fields. Package has been migrated to + Bump Standards-Version: to 4.2.0. No changes needed. * debian/watch: + Update for tarball export feature in latest GitLab versions. -- Mike Gabriel Mon, 20 Aug 2018 15:35:24 +0200 pakcs (2.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Bump Standards-Version: to 4.1.3. No changes needed. + Adapt versioned B-Ds and Ds for curry-* packages. * debian/{control,compat}: + Bump to DH version level 10 (level 11 not yet supported by CDBS). * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:19:23 +0100 pakcs (2.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Bump versioned B-Ds and Ds (curry-*) to typeclasses supporting versions. + Enforce swi-prolog(-nox) (>= 7.4) as B-D and D. Important: PAKCS needs the same SWI Prolog version at runtime as it had at build time. + Set Priority: to optional. + Clean-up white-space at EOL. * debian/pakcs.{install,links}: + Adapt to this upstream release. * debian/rules: + Don't clean-up /usr/lib/pakcs/currytools/peval/.gitignore at post-build. Does not exist since PAKCS 1.15.x anymore. + Set permissions a-x on (to make lintian happy). + Drop many LICENSE files shipped via the curry-tools tarball. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. * debian/patches: + Rebase/update 2001_run-cleancurry-from-inside-debian-subfolder.patch. + Drop 0001-Regression-test-for-CHR-library-removed-since-it-is-.patch. Applied upstream. * debian/man/runcurry.1: White-space cleanup at EOL. * debian/bin/cleancurry: + Drop file, use upstream's always-up-to-date version instead of shipping our own copy. * lintian: Drop various not-needed lintian overrides. -- Mike Gabriel Tue, 12 Dec 2017 13:29:27 +0100 pakcs (1.14.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/patches: + Add 0001-Regression-test-for-CHR-library-removed-since-it-is-.patch from upstream. (Closes: #880797). -- Mike Gabriel Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:07:07 +0100 pakcs (1.14.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Bump Standards-Version: to 4.1.1. No changes needed. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 03 Nov 2017 10:31:46 +0100 pakcs (1.14.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. (Closes: #871194). * debian/watch: + Update to new tarball naming scheme in recent GitLab versions. * debian/control: + Bump Standards-Version: to 4.1.0. No changes needed. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 15 Sep 2017 14:42:27 +0200 pakcs (1.14.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/patches: + Drop all patches recently cherry-picked from upstream. They are included in this upstream release. * debian/control: + Update versioned B-Ds for curry-libs-source (>= 1.0.3-1~) and curry-tools-source (>= 1.0.3+dfsg1-1~). * debian/pakcs.install: + The cpns/ and www/ code has been moved to curry-tools. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:44:15 +0100 pakcs (1.14.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/rules: + Don't run unit tests on 32bit hardware. The SWI-Prolog's stack size is to small for it on 32bit platforms. -- Mike Gabriel Wed, 08 Feb 2017 17:18:04 +0100 pakcs (1.14.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/patches: + Add 0055-More-error-exit-codes-are-set.patch, 0056-CASS-tool-updated-containing-new-analyses.patch, 0057-Makefiloe-changed-for-package-installation-verbose-m.patch, 0058-Tools-and-libs-updated.patch. Add more exit points with exit code. Support running tests in verbose mode. + Add 0059-lockfile-command-replaced-by-lockfile-create-remove.patch; use lockfile-progs instead of procmail's lockfile. + Add 0060-Bug-for-loading-libraries-with-SWI-Prolog-fixed-SWI-.patch, 0061-Release-notes-and-build-version-number-adapted.patch; fix library loading issue with SWI Prolog. + Add 0062-tools-and-libs-updated.patch, 0063-Check-for-existence-of-home-directory-extended.patch, 0064-tools-updated.patch. Check existence of home directory + release notes updates. + Add 0065-tools-updated-clean-up-after-runtest-added-in-Makefi.patch, 0066-noreadline-added-to-CHR-tests.patch, 0067-pakcs-script-slightly-improved-w.r.t-home-dir-checki.patch. Prevent test suite from attempting to create non-existent home directory. * debian/control: + Add to B-D and R (pakcs): sqlite3. Test suite also tests some database functionalities based on SQLite 3. Same functionalities at runtime are only available if SQLite 3 is installed. + Update versioned B-D for curry-libs and curry-tools. Various fixes for the test runs shipped in those new package revisions. + Add to B-D and D (pakcs): lockfile-progs. Required by IOExts in curry-libs. + Typo fix in package SYNOPSIS. (Closes: #852950). + Add to S (pakcs): tk. * debian/rules: + Enable unit tests (via runtestverbose CHECK target). + Make sure that cleancurry is available via PAKCSHOME/bin at build time. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 03 Feb 2017 09:22:38 +0100 pakcs (1.14.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/control: + With curry-base 0.4.2-3 we don't need to enforce UTF-8 locale anymore. Now enforced in the curry-base code directly. + Version-bump B-Ds for curry-libs and curry-tools to 1.0.1. Required for new PAKCSINSTALLDIR handling. + Add D (pakcs): swi-prolog-nox (>= 7.2.3). + Update versioned B-D / D on curry-frontend. Make sure that 0.4.2-2~ or higher is installed, to assure having the UTF-8 fix on board. + Make package team-maintained (Debian Curry Maintainers, pkg-curry team on Alioth). Move myself to Uploaders: field. Add Michael Hanus (upstream) to Uploaders: field. * debian/rules: + Use cleanall target for upstream clean-up. + Additionally clean-up bin/, currytools/, debian/build/ and scripts/makesavedstate on clean target. + Set PAKCSINSTALLDIR and hand it over to upstream Makefile's build target. + Remove commented out DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET. Disable DEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET for now; it consumes a lot of time, memory and generates no output. * debian/patches: + Cherry-pick 0044-Addition-of-constant-for-package-install-dir-added.patch, 0045-Installation-extended-to-PAKCSINSTALLDIR.patch, 0048-Tools-update.patch, 0049-Tools-update.patch and 0050-References-to-cymake-replaced-by-pakcs-frontend.patch from upstream. Adds PAKCSINSTALLDIR variable support to pakcs's main Makefile. + Drop unused patch file 0027-libs-updated.patch. + Add 0051-Prolog-module-imports-changed-to-avoid-SWI-errors.patch 0052-pakcs-cymake-occurrence-removed.patch 0053-SICStus-compilation-adapted-to-new-scheme-for-SWI-Pr.patch 0054-Fix-for-loading-run-time-libraries-in-SICStus-back-e.patch (cherry-picked from upstream). Fix module loading in SWI Prolog. + Update 2001_run-cleancurry-from-inside-debian-subfolder.patch. * debian/pakcs.{install,links}: + Drop work-around for broken symlinks. Upstream now has relative symlinks. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright attributions. * debian/pakcs.lintian-overrides: + Fix typo in override comment. -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 27 Jan 2017 14:23:32 +0100 pakcs (1.14.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release to Debian. (Closes: #840519). -- Mike Gabriel Fri, 23 Dec 2016 16:49:39 +0100