Patroni for Debian ------------------ The Debian patroni package has been adjusted in order to interoperate with Debian's postgresql-common (pg-common) framework for the administration of PostgreSQL instances. A particular pg-common instance (or cluster) is identified by the PostgreSQL major version (e.g. 10) and the cluster name (e.g. `main' as the default cluster), i.e. `10/main' or `10-main'. Automatic Patroni configuration generation ------------------------------------------ The Debian patroni package provides the pg_createconfig_patroni program that allows one to create a Patroni configuration for the desired Debian pg-common cluster, e.g. /etc/patroni/10-main for the `10/main' or `10-main' cluster, similar to pg_createcluster: # pg_createconfig_patroni 10 main The configuration is assembled from the /etc/patroni/dcs.yml fragment for the DCS configuration (see below) and a generic /etc/patroni/ The cluster-specific variables are substituted from into the specific instance configuration file. Distributed Consensus Store (DCS) --------------------------------- A DCS needs to be configured and this is out-of-scope for the patroni package. The DCS-specific parts of the Patroni configuration can be configured in /etc/patroni/dcs.yml and will get integrated by pg_createconfig_patroni. Patroni service --------------- Similar to the postgresql@ service, a patroni@ service unit is provided that allows the administration of an arbitrary pg-common cluster without having to define a systemd unit for each cluster, e.g.: # systemctl start patroni@10-main Due to systemd limitations, the cluster definition has to be provided with a `-' not a `/' between version and cluster name. Note that due to Patron insisting on managing the Postgres server, the corresponding systemd service (postgresql@10-main) cannot be used anymore. It is possible to reload the Postgres configuration via `pg_ctlcluster 10 main reload', though. Integration of vip-manager -------------------------- The vip-manager package allows to expose a virtual ip (VIP) for the leader node by monitoring the leader key in the DCS and setting or removing the configured VIP for the local node depending on leader status. The Debian vip-manager package provides a /etc/patroni/ template which can be used to write a vip-manager configuration for a patroni cluster via the --vip option: # pg_createconfig_patroni --vip= 10 main Similarly to the patroni package, the vip-manager service can then be started via a systemd unit specific for the cluster: # systemctl start vip-manager@10-main Cluster Bootstrap ----------------- After Patroni is started on a node for a particular cluster, it tried to acquire the leader lock in the DCS. If it can acquire the lock, it will be the master of the cluster and bootstrap the instance. The pg_createconfig_patroni-generated configuration defines a custom bootstrap via the pg_createcluster_patroni script, which is a shell wrapper around the usual pg_createcluster utility. The standby nodes cannot be bootstrapped this way, as the cluster id is unique and Patroni expects a single cluster id among all members. To this end, the pg_clonecluster_patroni shell script is provided, which sets up a cluster and then clones from the master node via pg_basebackup. pg_hba.conf ----------- In order to have the identical pg_hba.conf on each cluster node, the default pg_hba.conf gets overwritten by the lines specified in the bootstrap.dcs.postgresql section of the Patroni configuration. By default, replication connections from the local network and regular password (md5) based connections from localhost are allowed. pg_rewind and postgres password ------------------------------- By default, no postgres database password is set; i.e. the postgres superuser can only connect via the local socket. Likewise, pg_rewind is disabled (as pg_rewind requires remote superuser access) and Patroni will re-clone a former primary if its timeline has diverged from the cluster. If pg_rewind is to be used, then the `bootstrap.use_pg_rewind' parameter in /etc/patroni/ needs to be set to `true' and either the `postgresql.authentication.superuser.password' parameter needs to be set to the desired postgres password or (for PostgreSQL versions 11 and up) the `postgresql.authenticaion.rewind.{user,password}` needs to be set. If the `rewind` user is set, Patroni will grant it the necessary rights to run pg_rewind without superuser privileges. Finally, password (md5) connections need to be allowed on the local network.