Handling Debian Python packages with pdm-backend backend ------------------------------------------------------- If you are preparing Python packages that use pdm-backend as build backend as well as its Dynamic Version feature [1], the automatic version detection will not work out-of-box because of the lack of .git directory during packaging. Please consider using environment variable in debian/rules file to pass the version string instead: ```makefile include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk export PDM_BUILD_SCM_VERSION = $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) ``` This will work when $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) is a reasonable value (e.g., using X.Y.Z format). Packages with repacked version string may need more sophisticated handling. [1] https://pdm-backend.fming.dev/metadata/#dynamic-project-version -- Boyuan Yang Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:50:40 -0400