Here is an abstract from the pgAdmin III documentation detailing steps to get pgAgent up and running: pgAgent stores its configuration in the "postgres" database in your cluster. This database exists by default in PostgreSQL 8.1 versions; for earlier versions you need to create the database yourself. The database must have the PL/pgSQL procedural language installed -- PostgreSQL's 'createlang' program can do this if required. On Debian you can create the postgres database like this: Connect as the 'postgres' operating system user and execute the following commands in a shell: postgres@anaconda:~$ createdb postgres postgres@anaconda:~$ createlang plpgsql postgres Once created, connect to the new database and load the /usr/share/pgadmin3/pgagent.sql file to the database. You can do this with psql if you don't have pgAdmin III installed: postgres@anaconda:~$ psql postgres Launch the following command at the psql prompt: \i /usr/share/pgadmin3/pgagent.sql For more information, install pgadmin3 package and take a look at the pgAdmin III online documentation. -- Raphael Enrici Fri, 14 Jul 2006 14:51:09 +0000