pgpool-II for Debian -------------------- General usage information can be found in the files pgpool-{en,ja}.html and tutorial-{en,ja}.html in this directory. Package-specific notes: - The default port number for pgpool on Debian is 5433. You need to adjust your applications accordingly, or switch PostgreSQL to a different port and set pgpool to 5432, to get truly transparent access to pgpool. - The default directory for the socket file and the PID file is /var/run/postgresql, as is known from the postgresql package. - Logging goes to syslog. See /etc/default/pgpool and /etc/init.d/pgpool for tweaking possibilities. - The default directory for configuration files has been changed to /etc/pgpool2/ since version 2.1-1. -- Peter Eisentraut , 1 Sep 2005, Andreas Putzo , 20 Jan 2009