policyd-weight for Debian ------------------------- You can create a file /etc/policyd-weight.conf with different setting from default (can be got with "/usr/sbin/policyd-weight defaults"). Please keep track of the used Blocking Lists, default there are: 'pbl.spamhaus.org', 3.25, 0, 'DYN_PBL_SPAMHAUS', 'sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org', 4.35, -1.5, 'SBL_XBL_SPAMHAUS', 'bl.spamcop.net', 3.75, -1.5, 'SPAMCOP', 'dnsbl.njabl.org', 4.25, -1.5, 'BL_NJABL', 'ix.dnsbl.manitu.net', 4.35, 0, 'IX_MANITU' and 'multi.surbl.org', 4, 0, 'SURBL', 'rhsbl.ahbl.org', 4, 0, 'AHBL', 'dsn.rfc-ignorant.org', 3.5, 0, 'DSN_RFCI', 'postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org', 0.1, 0, 'PM_RFCI', 'abuse.rfc-ignorant.org', 0.1, 0, 'ABUSE_RFCI' Some of them maybe disappear during the stable release, in this case you need to redefine @dnsbl_score and/or @rhsbl_score in /etc/policyd-weight.conf. If you stop/restart policyd-weight via init script, the cache instance will be terminated. The cache is NOT terminated with dstop/drestart. For instructions to setup policyd-weight please refer to /usr/share/doc/policyd-weight/documentation.txt.gz or to http://www.policyd-weight.org! Feel free to also contact the policyd-weight mailing list if you has questions/problems. -- Jan Wagner Wed, 8 Nov 2006 22:44:24 +0100