This is a GUI utility for managing updates to the PostBooks database. Updates are not automatically applied by any postinst script when installing or updating any of the PostBooks packages. It is necessary to run the postbooks-updater utility to apply the updates. There are two reasons for this strategy: - You may have more than one database instance, and they may not even be on the same server, so the package maintainers can not easily automate the process of locating and updating them - It is recommended that you do a trial run of the upgrade on a test instance of the database before running the upgrade on the real instance. You should be making regular backups of your database and it is not a good idea to run this update utility without having taken a backup immediately before upgrade. === UPDATE FILES === The utility applies updates to the database. The updates are distributed by xTuple on Sourceforge. Each update is .gz file with a naming convention reflecting the versions it upgrades from and to. For example, pb40xto410.gz updates from 4.0.x to 4.1.0. If you are skipping a version, you have to obtain and run all the intermediate update files in sequence. === PROCEDURE === a) log in to postbooks as an administrator, go the the maintenance area of the GUI and put the system in maintenance mode so no other user can connect b) connect to PostgreSQL and make sure no user is connected c) take a backup of the database with pg_dump d) load the backup into a test database with pg_restore e) use postbooks-updater to update the copy you made in step (d) f) make a dump of the upgraded copy using pg_dump, do this before any user connects to test it g) connect to the copy and verify it works, check your invoices and financial reports and other functional checks h) if it is good, load the copy (from step (f)) into the real database