postfwd for Debian ------------------ 1. PROVIDE A CONFIGFILE ----------------------- Please provide a config file, usually /etc/postfix/ Examples are located in /usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/. Another can be found at and is provided as example-cfg2.txt. A quickstart guide is available at and the online documentation at, the offline version can be viewed with 'postfwd -m'. 2. VERIFY CONFIG ---------------- How interpret the parser your rules, you can check with: # postfwd -f /etc/postfix/ -C -v Check your rules against sample request: # cat request.sample | postfwd -f /etc/postfix/ -L # cat request.sample ------ snip ------- ccert_fingerprint= size=64063 queue_id= encryption_cipher= encryption_protocol= etrn_domain= ccert_subject= request=smtpd_access_policy protocol_state=RCPT recipient=someone@domain.local instance=6748.46adf3f8.62156.0 protocol_name=ESMTP encryption_keysize=0 recipient_count=0 ccert_issuer= client_address= ------ snip ------- Samples can be taken into the logfile when starting the daemon with "-vv" 3. AUTOMATIC STARTUP -------------------- In order to avoid the startup of the daemon on an unconfigured machine, automatic startup, on boot, is disabled by default. To enable it just edit the file /etc/default/postfwd and set the "startup" variable to 1. 4. CHOOSING WHICH POSTFWD VERSION TO USE ---------------------------------------- Since some time, there is also a prefork version available, called postfwd2. You can use update-alternatives to choose between 'postfwd1' and 'postfwd2'. -- Jan Wagner Mon, 10 Mar 2008 22:37:44 +0100