postfwd for Debian ------------------ 1. PROVIDE A CONFIGFILE ----------------------- Please provide a config file, usually /etc/postfix/ Examples are located in /usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/. Another can be found at and is provided as example-cfg2.txt. A quickstart guide is available at and the online documentation at, the offline version can be viewed with 'postfwd -m'. 2. VERIFY CONFIG ---------------- How interpret the parser your rules, you can check with: # postfwd -f /etc/postfix/ -C -v Check your rules against sample request: # cat request.sample | postfwd -f /etc/postfix/ -L # cat request.sample ------ snip ------- ccert_fingerprint= size=64063 queue_id= encryption_cipher= encryption_protocol= etrn_domain= ccert_subject= request=smtpd_access_policy protocol_state=RCPT recipient=someone@domain.local instance=6748.46adf3f8.62156.0 protocol_name=ESMTP encryption_keysize=0 recipient_count=0 ccert_issuer= client_address= ------ snip ------- Samples can be taken into the logfile when starting the daemon with "-vv" 3. AUTOMATIC STARTUP -------------------- In order to avoid the startup of the daemon on an unconfigured machine, automatic startup, on boot, is disabled by default. To enable it just run 'systemctl enable postfwd.service', when still using SysVinit edit the file /etc/default/postfwd and set the "startup" variable to 1. 4. CHOOSING WHICH POSTFWD VERSION TO USE ---------------------------------------- Since some time, there is also a prefork version available, called postfwd2. You can use update-alternatives to choose between 'postfwd1' and 'postfwd2'. -- Jan Wagner Mon, 10 Mar 2008 22:37:44 +0100