prewikka for Debian ------------------- The Prewikka installation guide is available at: Editing prewikka.conf ===================== Once you have created the database for Prewikka you need to edit /etc/prewikka/prewikka.conf to fit your database settings prior to starting Prewikka. The debian installation script will try to create the database and set the values, for the [database] section ONLY. Even if you used the installer to create the database and tables, you will need to edit the configuration file for other values. [interface] #This is the name at the top right and left of the Prewikka interface #You can change it or leave as is software: Prewikka place: company ltd. title: Prelude management #The following are the setting for your prelude database [idmef_database] type: mysql host: localhost user: prelude pass: prelude name: prelude #This is the database information for the prewikka DB you created above [database] type: mysql host: localhost user: prewikka pass: prewikka name: prewikka #You can comment this out to stop logs from writing to stderr [log stderr] #No real need to edit this except to increase/decrease expiration time [auth loginpassword] expiration: 60 Choose one of the following methods to configure your web server: Running Prewikka from the Apache web server (CGI/Apache) ======================================================== Apache / CGI setup with VirtualHost ----------------------------------- ServerName Setenv PREWIKKA_CONFIG "/etc/prewikka/prewikka.conf" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Order allow,deny Allow from all Alias /prewikka/ /usr/share/prewikka/htdocs/ ScriptAlias / /usr/share/prewikka/cgi-bin/prewikka.cgi Note that the PREWIKKA_CONFIG environment variable is optional, if unset the default configuration file relative to your installation path will be used. Apache / mod_python setup with VirtualHost ------------------------------------------ Experimental mod_python support is available in Prewikka starting from rc9. ServerName SetHandler mod_python PythonHandler prewikka.ModPythonHandler PythonOption PrewikkaConfig /etc/prewikka/prewikka.conf SetHandler None Alias /prewikka /usr/share/prewikka/htdocs Note that the PrewikkaConfig? settings is optional, if unset the default configuration file relative to your installation path will be used. Running Prewikka from the command line tool =========================================== If you didn't install Prewikka system wide (ie: you specified a prefix), use: $ PYTHONPATH=$prefix/lib/python2.4/site-packages $prefix/bin/prewikka-httpd If you installed Prewikka system wide: $ /usr/bin/prewikka-httpd You can then use your browser to connect to your machine on port 8000. The default login/password is admin please remember to change it. Initial login ============= Once everything is setup, you can use your browser to connect to the machine were Prewikka was installed. If you are not using Apache support, then remeber you should use the port 8000 to access Prewikka. The default login/password is admin please remember to change it. -- Pierre Chifflier Wed, 7 Feb 2007 16:51:26 +0100