The pychecker Python package is installed as a public package by the dh_python2 infrastructure. This means that you can import pychecker modules directly from any "current" version of Python. (The "current" version of Python is defined by the Debian Python policy and the dh_python2 infrastructure. As of this writing, Python 2.6 and 2.7 are current.) This package does still support use of $PYTHONVER on the command-line. You can use this functionality to specify which version of Python the pychecker code should be executed with. For instance, you can use something like this: PYTHONVER=2.6 pychecker Unfortunately, now that the new Python infrastructure is in place, this functionality is less helpful than it used to be. A user can no longer invoke any arbitrary python interpreter installed in /usr/bin. Only one of the "current" Python interpreters will work. The pychecker2 code is also included in the Debian package. Pychecker itself (the utility) does not use this code. However, the Debian package for SPE uses it. Upstream is OK with me including this code in the Debian package, as long as everyone is aware that pychecker2 is not under active development. Kenneth J. Pronovici 24 Apr 2013