qiskit-terra (0.12.0-1) The following features are not available in the Debian-packaged version of qiskit-terra, due to unmet dependencies at the time of publishing: * LaTeX visualization and export (require "pylatexenc", currently not part of Debian) * Jupter notebook widgets (require "ipywidgets>=7.3.0", currently part of Debian but not updated to a compatible version) -- Diego M. Rodriguez Mon, 23 Mar 2020 14:30:58 +0100 Qiskit and Qiskit Terra terminology The Quantum Information Software Kit (Qiskit for short) is an umbrella term used by IBM to refer to all their software that related with quantum computing. Qiskit Terra provides the foundations for Qiskit. It allows the user to write quantum circuits easily, and takes care of the constraints of real hardware (the transpiler). -- Luciano Bello Thu, 05 Jul 2018 14:31:36 -0400