qwtplot3d for Debian ------------------ A postfix has been added to the library names according to the version of Qt: * libqwtplot3d-qt4.so* is QwtPlot3D 0.2.6 compiled against Qt4 In that way, all these qwt libraries can coexist but you can only have a single development package for each Qt version or in other words. You need to choose between libqwt-qt3-dev (Qwt5) and libqwt-dev (Qwt4). The Qt3 support has now been dropped in Debian. The include files are placed in the following directories: * /usr/include/qwtplot3d-qt3.so* for QwtPlot3D 0.2.6 (Qt4 version) If you have a precompiled binary file, linked against libqwt then you may need to add a symbolic link to the corresponding library. To compile the examples you need to copy them to a local directory and do the following steps: $cp -r /usr/share/doc/libqwtplot3d-doc/examples . $cd examples $qmake-qt4 examples.pro $make The sources for gl2ps are in the source tree but it is not compiled. Please refer to http://www.geuz.org/gl2ps for reference. -- Gudjon I. Gudjonsson Mon, 18 Dec 2006 22:21:51 +0100