Format: Upstream-Name: spdep Upstream-Contact: Roger Bivand Source: Files-Excluded: */inst/doc/*.html Files: * Copyright: 2008-2016 Roger Bivand, Micah Altman, Luc Anselin, Renato Assunção, Olaf Berke, Andrew Bernat, Guillaume Blanchet, Eric Blankmeyer, Marilia Carvalho, Bjarke Christensen, Yongwan Chun, Carsten Dormann, Stéphane Dray, Virgilio Gómez-Rubio, Rein Halbersma, Elias Krainski, Pierre Legendre, Nicholas Lewin-Koh, Hongfei Li, Jielai Ma, Giovanni Millo, Werner Mueller, Hisaji Ono, Pedro Peres-Neto, Gianfranco Piras, Markus Reder, Michael Tiefelsdorf, Danlin Yu License: GPL-2+ Files: src/dnn.c src/knn.c Copyright: 1994-1999 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley 2001-2003 Roger Bivand License: GPL-2+ Files: src/gabriel.c src/relative.c R/components.R R/gabrielneigh.R R/graph2nb.R R/nboperations.R R/relneigh.R R/soi.R man/compon.Rd man/graphneigh.Rd man/nboperations.Rd Copyright: 2001 Nicholas Lewin-Koh License: GPL-2+ Files: R/lag.spsarlm.R Copyright: 1998-2002 Roger Bivand and Andrew Bernat License: GPL-2+ Files: R/globalG.R Copyright: 2002 Hisaji ONO and Roger Bivand License: GPL-2+ Files: R/mtlocalmoran.R R/mtmoran.R Copyright: 2002 by Roger Bivand and Michael Tiefelsdorf License: GPL-2+ Files: R/EBI.R Copyright: 2003 by Roger Bivand and Marilio Carvalho License: GPL-2+ Files: R/p.adjustSP.R Copyright: 2004 by Roger Bivand and Danlin Yu License: GPL-2+ Files: R/autocov.R Copyright: 2005 Carsten F. Dormann and Roger Bivand License: GPL-2+ Files: R/kpgm_new.R Copyright: 2005 Luc Anselin and Roger Bivand License: GPL-2+ Files: R/SpatialFiltering.R Copyright: 2005 Yongwan Chun, Michael Tiefelsdorf and Roger Bivand License: GPL-2+ Files: R/bptest.sarlm.R Copyright: 2004-2011 Roger Bivand original taken from bptest() in the lmtest package, 2001 Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis License: GPL-2+ Files: R/lextrB.R Copyright: 2015 Roger S. Bivand, Yongwan Chun and Daniel A. Griffith License: GPL-2+ Files: R/nb2mat.R Copyright: 2001-2010 Roger Bivand, Markus Reder and Werner Mueller 2015 Martin Gubri License: GPL-2+ Files: debian/* Copyright: 2014-2016 Andreas Tille License: GPL-2+ License: GPL-2+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. . On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.