RainLoop Webmail for Debian =========================== Table of Contents: 1. Nginx Configuration 2. Apache2 Configuration 3. Use with Other Webservers 4. Configuring RainLoop 5. Upstream Support Nginx Configuration ------------------- The Debian package for RainLoop provides a sample Nginx config file in `/usr/share/doc/rainloop/rainloop.nginx.conf`. It is automatically copied to `/etc/nginx/sites-available/rainloop` during initial installation. To publish the website, edit the copied file as desired, add a symlink to it in `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/`, and reload the nginx service. Apache2 Configuration -------------------- The Debian package for RainLoop provides a sample Apache2 config file in `/usr/share/doc/rainloop/rainloop.apache.conf`. It is automatically copied to `/etc/apache2/sites-available/rainloop.conf` during initial installation. To publish the website, edit the copied file as desired, add a symlink to it in `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/`, and reload the apache2 service. Use with Other Webservers ------------------------- To use RainLoop with other web servers, either set the website root to `/usr/share/rainloop/` or place a symlink to it in a web-accessible directory. The web server must support PHP in order to run RainLoop. Configuring RainLoop -------------------- RainLoop's main config file `/etc/rainloop/application.ini`, and can be modified by hand or by a configuration management tool. Configurations for individual email domains are located in `/etc/rainloop/domains`; a sample for connecting to a local IMAP server is provided in `/etc/rainloop/domains/localhost.ini`. RainLoop provides a web UI for configuration management as well, but it is disabled by default in Debian. To enable it, set "allow_admin_panel" to "On" in `/etc/rainloop/application.ini`. The default administrator username is "admin" with the password "12345"; please change the password in the web-based admin panel before exposing it to the internet. Upstream Support ---------------- The official website for RainLoop is https://www.rainloop.net/. For issues with the software, please contact upstream support at "support@rainloop.net" or file an issue on GitHub at https://github.com/RainLoop/rainloop-webmail/. For issues with the Debian packaging of the software, follow the standard Debian bug reporting process.