#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")"/.. # Header cat < debian/copyright-new Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ Upstream-Name: Red Eclipse Upstream-Contact: Quinton "Quin" Reeves Lee "Eihrul" Salzman Source: https://redeclipse.svn.sourceforge.net All sourcecode-related items have been removed from the source package, they are shipped in the redeclipse source package instead. License: Red-Eclipse EOF # "Red-Eclipse" summary license, indented sed -e 's/^/\ /' -e 's/^\ $/\ \./' doc/license.txt >> debian/copyright-new # Remove duplicated Format: line and insert upstream license dep5 file sed '/Format:.*/d' doc/all-licenses.txt >> debian/copyright-new # Remove record stating some dirs are omitted (the dirs are removed in Debian) awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 !~ /^Files: bin\//' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Remove all records related to src/* awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 !~ /^Files: src\//' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Add marker for inserting Debian chunk awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 ~ /^License: Zlib$/ { print "INSERT_DEBIAN_HERE" } { print }' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Debian chunk ed -s debian/copyright-new < License: Zlib . w EOF