This package ships with configuration files for Apache and lighttpd. However, it is not possible to cover all cases and you still need to do some manual steps to adapt the installation to your site configuration. You can uncomment the Alias directives in `/etc/roundcube/apache.conf'. You can then access your roundcube installation under `/roundcube' in all virtual hosts. If you want to create a specific virtual host, just point DocumentRoot to `/var/lib/roundcube'. It is important to keep in mind that the root installation of roundcube is `/var/lib/roundcube' and not `/usr/share/roundcube'. You also need to keep the configuration file provided. Otherwise, your installation will be non functional and insecure. For better compatibility, the schema used for MySQL is the one targeted at MySQL 4.0, not the one for MySQL 4.1 or MySQL 5.x. To use tinymce editor: - set $rcmail_config['htmleditor'] to TRUE in /etc/roundcube/ No plugins are shipped (except core plugins) with this package of roundcube. Add your plugin in /var/lib/roundcube/plugins. This package makes use of dbconfig-common to setup the database. If you do not wish to use dbconfig-common, you can find the SQL commands to use to install and upgrade the database in `/usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/roundcube'. When upgrading, you need to apply each upgrade file from the version you are upgrading (excluded). For example, if you are using MySQL and want to upgrade from 0.3-1, you need to apply `mysql/0.5-1'. If you are upgrading from 0.2~alpha-5, you need to apply `mysql/0.2~stable-1' and `mysql/0.5-1'. -- Vincent Bernat , Sun, 13 Feb 2011 12:59:27 +0100