See upstream README file for configuration and usage instruction. Almost all information from that file is relevant. However, from the section "INSTALLATION", only this is relevant: * To be performed in place of 'make initdb' from the README's installation instructions. Initialize the database rt-setup-database-4 --action insert --datafile \ /usr/share/request-tracker4/plugins/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/etc/initialdata Only run this the first time you install this module. If you run this twice, you may end up with duplicate data in your database. If you are upgrading this module, check for upgrading instructions in case changes need to be made to your database. * Edit a file like e.g. /etc/request-tracker4/RT_SiteConfig.d/ and add the line: Plugin('RT::Extension::ResetPassword'); * Clear your mason cache rm -rf /var/cache/request-tracker4/mason_data/obj * Restart your webserver -- Andrew Ruthven Fri, 02 Feb 2018 03:55:28 +0000