Stacks for Debian, packaged for Bio-Linux by Tim Booth ====================================================== The stacks command-line commands are all available as advertised, but you have to type "stacks" as the first command - eg. instead of $ process_radtags -p ./raw/ -o ./samples/ -b ./barcodes/barcodes_lane3 run $ stacks process_radtags -p ./raw/ -o ./samples/ -b ./barcodes/barcodes_lane3 If you don't like this, just add /usr/lib/stacks/bin to your $PATH. The Stacks web interface is available in the stacks-web package and will be added to Apache so that it appears under http://localhost/stacks. In the manual, the authors of Stacks have assumed that you are always running Stacks on a personal worsktation, while DEB packages always have to assume that they are being installed on a shared machine where users have restricted privileges. On such a machine you would never run this: $ mysql mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'stacks_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'stackspassword'; Because it opens up the whole of MySQL to anyone who knows this password (ie. everyone who can log into the machine). To deal with this, I've added a single convenience script which can be run under sudo to make new databases and assign write perms to a user or users. After this the user can load data into the database and view it right away with no further configuration or intervention by the sysadmin. $ sudo stacks-setup-database expt1