sugar-write-activity (97-2) experimental; urgency=medium * Drop branch from source and binary package. * Modernize short and long description. * Update copyright info: + Use Format as field label (not Format-Specification). -- Jonas Smedegaard Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:39:11 -0500 sugar-write-activity-0.86 (97-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release(s). [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Update copyright info: + Rewrite using copyright file format 1.0. + Fix Upstream-Name. + Extend coverage for myself. + Relicense packaging as GPL-3+. + Fix reference GPL-2 license (not unversioned GPL). + Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney. + Fix source URL, and add alternate git source URL. + Extend coverage for main upstream authors. * Stop permit copyright hint file to contain binary data: Serves no purpose - either suppress binary files or better extract data before copyright check. * Add lintian overrides regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450. * Bump dephelper compatibility level to 8. * Move packaging to Debian Sugar Team. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6. * Drop obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed flag. * Add myself as uploader. * Drop Neeraj Gupta as uploader: Thanks for your contributions. * Sort package relations fields, and drop ${shlibs:Depends} superfluous for arch-all. * Add watch file. * Use cdbs snippet (not custom rules). * Make build-dependency suppression future-compatible with cdbs 0.5. * Use default python helper (not pycentral). * Update package relations: + Tighten build-dependency on cdbs. + Relax to build-depend unversioned on debhelper and devscripts: Needed versions satisfied even in oldstable. + Stop buld-depend on python-central. + Fix explicitly depend on python. + (Build-)depend on python-sugar3 (not python-sugar or python-sugar-toolkit-*). + Stop bogusly recommend sugar-*. + Depend on python-gir and some GIR bindings, instead of some Python libraries. * Stop limit support to specific (obsolete) branches. * Let cdbs snippet replace COPYING file with symlink if identical to system shared file (instead of blindly removing it). -- Jonas Smedegaard Thu, 18 Jun 2015 17:42:31 -0500 sugar-write-activity-0.86 (70-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Neeraj Gupta ] * Initial release. (Closes: #588949) [ Luke Faraone ] * Add self to uploaders * Refactor description -- Luke Faraone Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:26:06 -0400