sundials for Debian ---------------- Configuring Octave's startup """ Matlab will execute a file named 'startup.m' in the directory it was called from on the command line. Octave does not. It will, however, execute a file named '.octaverc' which can be edited to execute existing files if ( exist ('startup.m', 'file') ) source ('startup.m') # load startup.m like matlab endif """ According to the above doc create or add the folliwng lines to your .octaverc to activate sundials bindings for octave: % SUNDIALS Toolbox startup M-file, if it exists. if ( exist('startup_STB.m','file') ) source ('startup_STB.m') # load startup.m like matlab end -- Christophe Trophime Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:01:41 +0200