Preparing Sylph-Sercher ======================= First of all, create postgresql user (e.g. sylphuser) as postgresql administrator role. Then, create DB (e.g. sylph) with postgresql user role and set postgresql user password. > $ su postgres > $ createuser sylphuser > $ createdb -O sylphuser -E UTF-8 sylph > $ psql > > Welcome to psql 8.3.9, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. > > Type: \copyright for distribution terms > \h for help with SQL commands > \? for help with psql commands > \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query > \q to quit > > postgres=# \password sylph > Enter new password: > Enter it again: > postgres=# \quit > > $ exit And run SQL script. > $ psql -U sylphuser -f /usr/share/sylph-searcher/sql/create.sql sylph How to use ========== see /usr/share/sylph-searcher/README file