Debian specific setup ===================== Both the `Tachyon ray tracing library' and `Tachyon standalone ray tracer' come in different variants that can coexist. The `Tachyon ray tracing library' variants are gathered in flavours, each flavour being distributed within a distinct Debian package. At the time of writing, there are 4 flavours: the zeroth flavour is the serial version of the library, it is only meant for test; the first flavour only deals with Multi-Threading (MT); the second and the third correspond to two different implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMPI and MPICH, respectively. The `mt' flavour uses as MT implementation either the POSIX Threads approach or the OpenMP one. The two parallel flavours are or not mixed with these two Multi-Threading approaches. The variant suffix appended to the tachyon library name is meant to be self-explanatory. The `Tachyon standalone ray tracer' has a variant that has no X support. At the time of writing, it has a second variant that is built with OpenGL support. The variant suffix appended to the tachyon program name is meant to be self-explanatory. update-alternatives(8) is used to select the default variant. The alternative name for the tachyon library is `', and `tachyon' for the program itself. Libraries and programs might be linked against `'. The document file `README.unix' distributed within the Debian package `tachyon-doc' may help to determine which library variant to choose as default; the scene samples furnished by this package provide material for benchmaking. -- Jerome Benoit Fri, 14 Nov 2014 01:11:47 +0000