Tiger for Debian ---------------------- PLEASE NOTE: Some of the checks do not apply completely to Debian systems or Debian's defaults are somewhat different. This might lead to somethings being reported as a security issue when they really aren't (known in the security field as 'false positives') In some cases this might be Tiger's problem (of it being an old UNIX auditing program) or it might be Debian's. If you feel a security report is not appropriate to your system discuss it in the debian-security@lists.debian.org mailing list. If you really think it's a BUG of Tiger, then send a bug-report for the package (using either the 'bug' or 'reportbug' programs). Please make sure you look at current (open) bugs at http://bugs.debian.org/tiger Also, Debian might not ship the most up-to-date system signatures for other OS (_not_ Debian GNU/Linux), please retrieve them from http://www.net.tamu.edu/ftp/security/TAMU/tiger-sigs/ Changes in behavior: -------------------- First of all make sure to read, understand and customize /etc/tiger/tigerrc and /etc/tiger/cronrc to adapt to your local security policy, as the warning on installation says "You cannot expect to tiger to work fully to your needs without adapting it". Bugs regarding false positives which can be fixed by the proper configuration and/or use of templates (see below) will be set to "wishlist", even if the bug submitter thinks they are "serious". All and all, Debian's Tiger works quite fine out-of-the box, even if there's still room for improvement. Using Templates ............... Tiger in Debian can compare against "templates" when running through a cron job. That is, you can take a given log from a previous run (at /var/log/tiger) rename it with a ".template" instead of a ".[number]" and place it under /etc/tiger/templates. Tiger checks will compare against it. That way Tiger will only report issues when they changed from the template (if configured in /etc/tiger/tigerrc). NOTE: Previous to 2.2.4-20 templates could be placed in /var/log/tiger, this behaviour is preserved but templates at /etc/tiger/ are used first if available. Another (less secure) method is to have Tiger only report changes from previous runs, please note that in this setup problems will only be reported *once* in cron jobs, regardless of importance. This is the default behavior, that is, this will (should, at least from version 2.2.4-22 and above) work just after installation. KNOWN ISSUES ------------- (these are *not* BUGS) - shells on Debian default users. PENDING discussion on debian-security, in any case it should check if the services are enabled (i.e. the user is useful here). Maybe Debian policy could ask for ids in /etc/passwd disabled with /dev/null as shell and enable them when services are installed? (CHANGE script/check_accounts) - Debian specific checks take quite some time to finish, I have changed the Cron job to do this only once in a day, and you can optimize the check by changing the $Tiger_DPKG_Optimize variable in /etc/tiger. In any case finding packages in Debian takes quite some time... (due to the *very* large package list) Known BUGS in Debian systems: ---------------------------- (please check bugs.debian.org/tiger also) - Debian's /etc/services definition leads to false positives due to ports being repeated in there. In order to remove them see the "Using templates" above. This cannot be completely fixed without extensive revision of the check_services file ("the a3fs vs ircd bug"). - signature files are replaced with installed md5sums in /var/lib/ Tiger could be distributed with predefined signatures (BTW, signatures should depend on distribution and not on kernel, oh well...) - Tiger does not seem to look for CRACK before doing password testing (this package should Depend: on some password cracker, but note that the 'john' package already can do password testing run by cron). The test is disabled from cronrc but it will still give some erros when the full report is run (using 'tiger') - incorrect reports for /etc/cron.hourly (does not exist) - should not check /proc dir when checking for tests (this is a virtual dir) TODO ---- - Possible new checks: . check all files and see if they are of the same user/group as their root dir . look for files with no uid in /etc/passwd and gid in /etc/group - The Debian security group could update signature files for binaries which are in the Debian stable release and have been found vulnerable (packages in stable-updates) so that Tiger can (if not online) check a Debian system and tell the administrator he *must* upgrade them from security.debian.org For an example look at information on doc/signatures. Tigexp is very useful here and could be very informative. - (Nice feature) Provide internationalisation support. - Compare against checks introduces in TITAN an re-code those that are appropriate for Tiger (almost all) (NOTE: I have added some checks, however TITAN seems to not that much good work - Linux version - after all) TESTING ------- . Check for files not in /usr/local and /home not owned by any package (easy with dpkg -S) (Note: Currently looks only in binary paths /bin /usr/bin... not in all the filesystem) . Check for md5sums of files installed by packages by looking into /var/lib/dpkg/info/*md5sums. The check currently does not include /usr/share/doc. Should it check /usr/share/locale, and /etc or should they be removed too? BTW, I coded it after knowing about debsums which seems to run a bit faster. (maybe debsums code should be included here or used if it exists) . users in Debian are assigned to a group and are umask 022 by default (should not warn due to some files in home having group read if no other user is in the group). CHANGED script/check_accounts DONE ---- . Check for non-running processes (a simple software watchdog) . Check for open TCP/IP sockets and warn when user running the socket is not root, otherwise inform on open sockets. Works with lsof and netstat (since its not Debian specific it has been renamed to deb_) . Check of security advisories taken from the WWW webml sources. The package version is checked against the one in the advisory. Some checks are very redundant since users should not have packages older than the released ones, oh well... . Understand Linux NFS exports file Known FIXED BUGS: ---------------- - md5.c is corrupted by default the Tiger binaries will not be recompiled each time (BTW, IMHO this is not a good idea anyway). Fetched original sources and replaced them. - rhosts # accepted (FIXED scripts/check_rhosts) - Tiger now understands and will not give false warnings when "localepurge" has been installed and a lot of files removed (FIXED scripts/Linux/2/deb_checkmd5sums) -- Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peņa Last updated: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 00:08:59 +0200