== Installation == At this point, you must install U-Boot to flash yourself. STM32MP1 series processors can boot from SD card or eMMC, which must contain a GPT partition table with at least the following partitions: Nr | Size | Label | Flags ---|--------|-------|------ 1 | 256KiB | fsbl1 | 2 | 256KiB | fsbl2 | 3 | 2MiB | ssbl | 4 | * | * | boot U-Boot can be written to the SD card using the following commands: dd if=/usr/lib/u-boot/BOARD/u-boot-spl.stm32 of=/dev/mmcblkXp1 dd if=/usr/lib/u-boot/BOARD/u-boot-spl.stm32 of=/dev/mmcblkXp2 dd if=/usr/lib/u-boot/BOARD/u-boot.img of=/dev/mmcblkXp3