Initscript for running uWSGI daemon =================================== There is an example of simple init.d script in /usr/share/doc/uwsgi-core/uwsgi-core.init.d.custom.gz Gunzip it to (something like) /etc/init.d/uwsgi-custom-daemon, then edit copied file and change: * '# Provides:' comment and NAME variable with value of 'uwsgi-custom-daemon' (or whatever you've named copied file) * UWSGI_UID, UWSGI_GID and DAEMON_ARGS variables with values suitable to your needs Then execute: chmod a+x /etc/init.d/uwsgi-custom-daemon update-rc.d uwsgi-custom-daemon defaults And for removing your custom init.d script execute: update-rc.d uwsgi-custom-daemon remove rm /etc/init.d/uwsgi-custom-daemon Before starting of uWSGI daemon, manually create appropriate directories for logfiles and configuration files. Look for it's default values in value of DAEMON_ARGS variable.