vim-youcompleteme ----------------- A code completion plugin for Vim and Neovim with support for many programming languages. See /usr/share/doc/ycmd/README.Debian.gz for details on which ones are currently supported and which additional packages you might need to install to use them. This plugin can be enabled on demand in Vim with `:packadd youcompleteme`. Similarly, you can add `packadd! youcompleteme` to your vimrc file to load it by default. Alternatively installing and removing via `vam` from the vim-addon-manager package is supported as well. This plugin is not compatible with any other code completion plugins, some of them listed below: * clang_complete * AutoComplPop * Supertab * neocomplcache * jedi-vim (vim-python-jedi package in Debian) It is not recommended to use them together in the same session, but you can of course install and use them separately, which is why no Conflicts on other plugins are declared in the packaging for apt to resolve.