Introduction ------------ This package contains an Apache module to look up user information in an LDAP directory using GSS-API binds. That information can be exported in the environment or used for authorization. It is not useful by itself; your site also needs to be running a WebAuth infrastructure including a separate WebKDC and weblogin server, and you must be using mod_webauth for access control. See the libapache2-mod-webkdc and webauth-weblogin packages for the WebKDC server and weblogin server and libapache2-mod-webauth for the authentication module. You can install the webauth-tests package to get a test suite that you can use to verify that your installation is working. See the documentation of that package for more information. mod_webauthldap.html.en has the formatted manual, but it expects to be viewed as part of the Apache documentation tree. If you wish, you can install the apache2-doc package and copy this file to: /usr/share/doc/apache2-doc/manual/mod and you will then be able to read it as intended. See: for more information about WebAuth, including copies of the module manuals and places to contact to get help with the installation. Configuring the LDAP Module --------------------------- Several steps required for configuring this module cannot (easily) be automated, so it is not active and available immediately after installing this package. You must also do the following: 1. Set up libapache2-mod-webauth following its documentation. This module only works with users authenticated via the mod_webauth module. 2. Add the following configuration to: /etc/apache2/conf-available/webauth.conf (or wherever you put the configuration mentioned above): WebAuthLdapHost WebAuthLdapBase where is your local LDAP server name and is the LDAP search base to use (something like dc=example,dc=com). Your local LDAP administrator will be able to provide this information. The LDAP server must support GSS-API binds using the credentials stored in /etc/webauth/keytab (or a different keytab if you change the default module configuration). 3. If you want to use authorization through privilege groups defined by the presence of an LDAP attribute in the record of the authenticated user, also add a line like: WebAuthLdapAuthorizationAttribute where is a multivalued attribute in directory entries for your users that contains all of the privilege groups that user is a member of. 4. Enable the WebAuth LDAP module: a2enmod webauthldap and restart Apache: apache2ctl graceful You may now use the WebAuthLdapAttribute directive in , , or blocks or .htaccess files to request that particular LDAP attributes be put into environment variables, and if you configured a privgroup attribute, you may now use the "require privgroup" command to restrict access to particular web pages to members of that privgroup. -- Russ Allbery , Sun, 13 Nov 2016 10:25:18 -0800