xen (4.16.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium At this version xen in Debian switched from using standard full-blown build of qemu-system-i386 for the HVM domains and qdisks to a special xen-only build of qemu in qemu-system-xen package. Previously we recommended qemu-system-x86, now we recommend qemu-system-xen. This significantly reduces amount of inter-dependencies. If you have apt configured to automatically install package Recommends (which is the default), when updating to this version of xen, apt will install the new qemu-system-xen recommendation by default, so your qemu-xen domains, if any, will continue to work as before. You might want to remove qemu-system-x86 package at this time if you do not use it, - xen does not use it anymore. If your apt is configured to not install Recommends by default, and you do have qemu-xen domUs, you may want to install qemu-system-xen package manually. -- Michael Tokarev Sat, 23 Apr 2022 12:02:00 +0300 xen (4.11.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium This package version fixes a bug that would call the stop action on the xen init script when removing an obsolete xen-utils-V package for a Xen version V other than the currently running one. This results in stopping the xenconsoled process. If you just upgraded from Xen 4.8 (Stretch), this will happen when removing the xen-utils-4.8 package afterwards. The resulting situation can safely be repaired by calling the start action on the xen script again manually once to bring back the xenconsoled process. There will be no damage to running domUs. If you're upgrading from previous Xen 4.11 packages, no action is needed. Having these (or later) Xen 4.11 packages installed means that the bug will not trigger any more when removing xen-utils-4.11 after upgrading to a newer Xen version (e.g. 4.13) in the future. -- Hans van Kranenburg Tue, 26 May 2020 13:33:17 +0200