zoph for Debian -------------- The Debian packaging of zoph installs the packages described in the upstream REQUREMENTS document and replaces the upstream INSTALL and UPGRADE documents. After installation is complete you will need to update your PHP settings, unless they have already been updated already - see php.ini settings below and note that these will need a fresh update if the php version is updated. The initial configuration will not complete unless, at a minimum post_max_size is 16Mb upload_max_filesize is 16M You will need to reload Apache, via 'service apache2 reload' before zoph will be available. You should then point a web browser at http://localhost/zoph/logon.php and login as admin/admin if this is the first installation, otherwise as an admin user you have already created. The first thing you should do if you are stiil using the initial admin user is to browse to 'prefs' and click 'change password'. You may also want to go to 'admin/users' to create another non-admin user for yourself, and others for any other potential users. If you wish to use the web import interface you should enable this in the admin/config section - enable both import and upload for the full capability via the web interface. If you wish to use the CLI interface 'zoph', you should add your user to the zoph group. ##php.ini settings## Settings you may need to change in /etc/php/8.2/apache2/php.ini: ###max_input_time### This is the time Zoph is allowed by PHP to spend waiting for the file to be uploaded. Depending on the size of your files and the speed of your server's connection, 60 seconds (the default) is usually enough to process single images, if you are uploading zip or tar files, you may want to increase this to 120 seconds. ###max_execution_time### This is the time Zoph is allowed by PHP to run. Depending on the speed of your webserver, Zoph could spend quite a lot of time resizing an image. 30 seconds may not be enough, especially if you have a camera with a lot of megapixels. ###memory_limit### This is the amount of memory PHP allows Zoph to use. Especially if you have very large images, the default (128 Megabyte) may not be enough. If you have sufficient memory in your server, setting it higher is perfectly safe. * If you are using the web importer you may need to increase the `max_execution_time`, `upload_max_filesize` (default is 2M, which is small if you upload multiple images - you may need to go as high as 128M), `post_max_size` (again the default is 8M and may need to increase as high as 128M) and `max_input_time` defined in php.ini. * If you are using the watermarking feature, you probably need to increase the `memory_limit` setting. Please note that enabling this function uses a rather large amount of memory on the webserver. PHP by default allows a script to use a maximum of 128MB memory. You should probably increase this by changing `memory_limit` in php.ini. A rough estimation of how much memory it will use is 6 times the number of megapixels in your camera. For example, if you have a 30 megapixel camera, change the line in php.ini to `memory_limit=180M` * The e-mail photo feature may require increasing the `memory_limit` setting. Since Zoph needs to convert the photo into Base64 encoding for mail, it requires quite a large amount of memory if you try to send full size images and you may need to adjust `memory_limit` in php.ini, you should give it at least about 4 times the size of your largest image. -- John Lines Sat 29 Dec 17:11:40 GMT 2018