zpaq for Debian --------------- A POSIX shell function to help to use zpaq's standard configuration files is provided. Add this call to your $HOME/.${SHELL}rc>: . /usr/share/doc/zpaq/examples/zpaq.shellrc It will define "zpaq" function to accept short options -1, -3, -9 that make use of package's default compression levels min, medium and max supplied in directory /usr/share/doc/zpaq/examples/. An example; to create or appenf to archive with maximum level of compression: # Create; acts like "-cCONFIG_MAX" zpaq -9 archive.zpaq dir/* # ... same as above; the "c" is default and be omitted. zpaq -9c archive.zpaq dir/* # Append mode zpaq -9a archive.zpaq file # Append mode; without saving a SHA1 zpaq -9b archive.zpaq file -- Jari Aalto , Fri, 21 May 2010 11:51:22 +0300