Zsh for Debian ============== You may find more uptodate information about Debian's zsh packages at https://wiki.debian.org/Zsh -- Axel Beckert , Wed, 5 Sep 2018 02:51:49 +0200 This version of zsh has been compiled with support for maildir folders in MAIL and MAILPATH. -- Clint Adams Using bash completion scripts with zsh -------------------------------------- See http://zshwiki.org/home/convert/bash for instructions and example code on how to use bash completion scripts with zsh. -- Axel Beckert , Tue, 26 May 2015 14:46:31 +0200 How to use the zsh-dbgsym package --------------------------------- To install the zsh-dbgsym package you first need to add the APT repository for debug packages. Since this APT repo is rather huge, but seldomly needed, it's usually not available on your average Debian mirror. As root or with sudo edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list (or add a new file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dbgpkg.list) with the following contents: deb http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/ -debug and replace and with the according values for your installation. E.g. on Debian Buster it probably looks like this: deb http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/ buster-debug main After having edited the file, run "apt update" with root permissions (e.g. with sudo). See https://wiki.debian.org/AutomaticDebugPackages and https://michael-prokop.at/blog/2017/05/26/the-newinstretch-game-dbgsym-packages-in-debianstretch/ for details. Afterwards execute in the first terminal: sudo apt install zsh-dbgsym apt source zsh cd zsh-* In the second terminal invoke 'zsh -f' (or drop the '-f' if you don't want to start with a clean Zsh session). Execute all the relevant steps right *before* you can trigger the problem you want to inspect using gdb. Return to the first terminal where you're standing in Zsh's source directory. Identify the process id of the Zsh instance you want to debug ("ps aux | grep '[z]sh'") and use it for $PID. Then execute: gdb $(find . -type d -printf '-d %p ') attach $PID Now you can use the usual gdb commands like step / continue / ... to debug the Zsh process at source level. -- Michael Prokop and Axel Beckert Load-path for functions from other packages ------------------------------------------- In respsonse to #620452, the zsh-binary from Debian's zsh package started to provide two entries to $fpath (the search path for loadable functions) for other packages to drop function files into: - /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions for functions that add functionality to zsh's function based completion system (compsys) - /usr/share/zsh/vendor-functions for all other functions If you maintain another Debian package that wants to add functions to zsh's function load-path, please use the those conventions when installing function files. -- Frank Terbeck , Wed, 21 May 2014 13:15:58 +0200