zsnapd-rcmd for Debian ---------------------- Remote sshd command checker for ZFS Snapshot Daemon ZFS Snapshot Daemon is written in python, and it can remotely manage ZFS snapshotting and backup from a central back up server. This is the security plugin command for sshd that implements ForceCommand functionality, or the command functionality in the .ssh/authorized_keys file (See the sshd_config(8) and sshd(8) man pages respectively). It executes commands from the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND variable after checking them against a list of configured regular expressions. Edit the zsnapd-rcmd.conf files in /etc/zsnapd, to set up the check regexps for the remote preexec, postexec, and replicate_postexec commands. Settings are also available for 10 extra remote commands, labeled rcmd_aux0 - rcmd_aux9 Read the sshd(8) manpage on the ForceCommand setting, and the sshd(8) manpage on the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file, command entry for the remote pub key for zsnapd access. Example .ssh/authorized_keys entry (single line - unline wrap it): no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding, command="/usr/sbin/zsnapd-rcmd" ssh-rsa AAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCC DDDDDDDD== root@blah.org Hint: command line arguments can be given, such as a different config file, and debug level: no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding, command="/usr/sbin/zsnapd-rcmd -c /etc/zsnapd/my-rcmd.conf --debug 3" ssh-rsa AAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDD== root@blah.org -- Matthew Grant Tue, 27 Jan 2019 14:13:00 +1300