nvidia-cuda-toolkit for Debian ------------------------------ Installing the GPU Computing SDK ================================ To install the GPU Computing SDK (a collection of code examples for CUDA and OpenCL), just download and run gpucomputingsdk__linux.run from NVIDIA - it will extract into ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/ by default. The following Debian packages are needed to build the examples: * freeglut3-dev * libgl1-mesa-dev * libglu1-mesa-dev * libx11-dev * libxi-dev * libxmu-dev To build the example programs, change to the directory where the SDK was installed (by default: ~/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/) and run make For more information on the SDK, please see http://developer.nvidia.com/gpu-computing-sdk -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 10 Oct 2011 18:52:42 +0200