#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")"/.. # Header cat < debian/copyright-new Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ Upstream-Name: Red Eclipse Upstream-Contact: Quinton "Quin" Reeves Lee "Eihrul" Salzman Source: https://redeclipse.svn.sourceforge.net All sourcecode-related items have been removed from the source package, they are shipped in the redeclipse source package instead. License: Red-Eclipse EOF # "Red-Eclipse" summary license, indented sed -e 's/^/\ /' -e 's/^\ $/\ \./' doc/license.txt >> debian/copyright-new # Reason for being "non-free" cat <> debian/copyright-new Disclaimer: This package is not part of Debian due to missing "sources" for artwork, audio, models, etc. . If you read the DFSG to also require "source" for all media content (and most people in Debian do), it implies that for example images created via GIMP would need to have the original xcf-files available, models created in Blender would need to have the original blend-files, music created by combining samples in audacity would need to have the original samples available, and the corresponding audacity project file, etc. . Much of the data for redeclipse does fail this requirement. I've guesstimated that for Red Eclipse, it might be possible to get the "source" for maybe 30% of the media content, with considerable effort and time spent. I felt that it would not be a particularly useful exercise, and decided not to do so, at least for the time being. EOF # Remove duplicated Format: line and insert upstream license dep5 file sed '/Format:.*/d' doc/all-licenses.txt >> debian/copyright-new # Remove record stating some dirs are omitted (the dirs are removed in Debian) awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 !~ /^Files: bin\//' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Remove all records related to src/* awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 !~ /^Files: src\//' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Add marker for inserting Debian chunk awk 'BEGIN{ ORS="\n\n"; RS="" ; FS="\n"} $1 ~ /^License: Zlib$/ { print "INSERT_DEBIAN_HERE" } { print }' debian/copyright-new > debian/copyright-temp mv debian/copyright-temp debian/copyright-new # Debian chunk ed -s debian/copyright-new < License: Zlib . w EOF