This package was debianized by Peter Galbraith <> on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 18:38:27 -0400. It was downloaded from Upstream Author: Dave Flater <> Copyright: Copyright of various parts of the data set are held by different parties. See below. License: The Debian packaging is (C) 2007, Peter Galbraith <> and is licensed under the GPL Version or later, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. The data are licensed as follows, from : # Canada: The harmonic constants used to perform tide predictions for # locations in Canada are derived from sea level data made available # by Marine Environmental Data Services, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, # for public, non-commercial use. The predictions are not the same as # those computed by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, which uses its # own sets of harmonic constants. # # Copyright notice for the sea level data at # # # Non-commercial Reproduction # # Information on this site has been posted with the intent that it be # readily available for personal and public non-commercial use and may # be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge # or further permission from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans # Canada. We ask only that: # # * Users exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the # materials reproduced; # # * The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada be identified as # the source department; and, # # * The reproduction is not represented as an official version of # the materials reproduced, nor as having been made, in # affiliation with or with the endorsement of the Department of # Fisheries and Oceans Canada. # # Netherlands: The Netherlands data was contributed directly by Koos # Doekes of the Rijkswaterstaat RIKZ/ZDI, who grants permission by his # own authority: # # Herewith I grant permission for non-commercial use # of all harmonic constants for the Netherlands by # users of Xtide or Xtide-based products. # # This covers the use of the constants for Dutch # ports in the Xtide-database by designers # of web applications, and the use in commercial # tidal prediction software in which the constants # themselves are not stored - i.e. the user has # to copy them from the Xtide-database himself. # # It does NOT cover the use in commercial software # in which the constants are incorporated, which is # considered commercial use of the constants here. # Any request for permission of use of Dutch constants # in software of this kind should be redirected to # RIKZ. # # Germany: The Germany data was contributed directly by Wolfgang # Lange of the Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), # who grants permission by his own authority: # # As long as you make your software using these tidal data # freely available, I grant permission for non-commercial use # of the harmonic constants for the 12 reference stations at # the German North Sea coast on the same conditions and rules # layed down in the letter from Koos Doekes, RIKZ/ZDI, # concerning the Netherlands harmonic constituents. # # UK: Received 2003-11-15 DWF. See also # # Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory # Natural Environment Research Council # # Bidston Observatory # Bidston Hill # Prenton # Merseyside # CH43 7RA # United Kingdom # David Flater # 13320 Country Ridge Drive Tel +44 (0) 151 653 8633 # Germantown, MD 20874 Fax +44 (0) 151 653 6269 # United States of America # # # 07 November 2003 # # Dear David, # # This letter is to confirm that we are happy for you to download the # sea level data from the British Oceanographic Data Centre website and # use this in the generation of harmonic constants using the HarmGen # software. However there are a couple of things that we would politely # ask that you do. # # 1. Limit the number of harmonic constants you use in the software to # a maximum of 40 for any port. This should easily be enough to create # very accurate tidal predictions as for nearly all locations, any # harmonics left out (i.e. the 41st most significant constants onwards) # will have amplitudes of the order of a centimetre. # # 2. State that the data is derived from sea level data obtained from # the British Oceanographic Data Centre based at the Proudman # Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool. # # 3. Make it clear that the predictions however are not the same as # those computed by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory which uses its # own sets of harmonic constants. # # 4. Continue to make your software using the data freely available. # Please inform us if you intend to produce a software product that you # will be making a charge for. # # I hope these conditions are acceptable to you and it will be good to # see the UK back on the map. # # Yours sincerely, # Colin Bell # Head of Applications Group