betamax (0.8.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0.

  [ Daniele Tricoli ]
  * Drop Python 2 support.
  * Don't run tests that need removed feature of pytest.

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Tue, 06 Aug 2019 02:37:37 +0200

betamax (0.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/control: Set Vcs-* to
  * d/copyright: Use https protocol in Format field
  * d/control: Remove ancient X-Python-Version field
  * d/control: Remove ancient X-Python3-Version field
  * Convert git repository from git-dpm to gbp layout

  [ Daniele Tricoli ]
  * New upstream release.
  * Refresh patches after git-dpm to gbp pq conversion.
  * Add debian/gbp.conf.
  * Bump compat level to 12.
  * Add autopkgtests.
  * debian/clean
    - Add .pytest_cache directory.
  * debian/control
    - Update to use my mail address.
    - Use only python3-sphinx in Build-Depends.
    - Bump Standards-Version to 4.3.0 (no changes needed).
  * debian/copyright
    - Update to use my mail address.
    - Update copyright years.
  * debian/rules
    - Use 'python3 -m sphinx' instead of sphinx-build for building docs.
    - No need to set SPHINXOPTS since sphinx >=1.4 supports SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
    - Remove test_cassette.test since generated by unittests.
    - Enable a test previously disabled due urllib3 unbundling in Debian.

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Sun, 06 Jan 2019 04:29:35 +0100

betamax (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * debian/control
    - Add Multi-Arch: foreign for python-betamax-doc.
  * debian/rules
    - Ignore because it needs Internet

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Sun, 18 Sep 2016 18:04:15 +0200

betamax (0.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * debian/control
    - Add python3-doc dependency for local intersphinx links.
    - Bump dh-python to >= 2.20160609.
  * debian/patches/local-intersphinx.patch
    - Use local python3-doc for intersphinx. (Closes: #830543)
  * debian/
    - Remove since not needed anymore.
  * debian/rules
    - Build the Sphinx documentation under the override_dh_sphinxdoc.
    - Remove custom pybuild system for testing since not needed anymore with
      dh-python >= 2.20160609.

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Thu, 14 Jul 2016 02:22:13 +0200

betamax (0.7.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/control
    - Bump python-sphinx B-D to >= 1.3.
  * debian/rules
    - Use custom pybuild system for testing to make the package able to build
      in Jessie. (Closes: #826566)

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Tue, 07 Jun 2016 19:47:30 +0200

betamax (0.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * Fixed VCS URL (https)

  [ Daniele Tricoli ]
  * New upstram release. (Closes: #826123)
  * Add documentation package (python-betamax-doc) and register it with
  * debian/clean
    - Clean built documentation.
  * debian/control
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes needed).
    - Bump X-Python-Version to >= 2.7 and X-Python3-Version to >= 3.3.
    - Add python{,3}-mock, python{,3}-pytest and python-sphinx to
    - Add stanza for python-betamax-doc.
  * debian/copyright
    - Add stanza for betamax/
  * debian/rules
    - Run tests at build time.
    - Build documentation using sphinx.

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Fri, 03 Jun 2016 02:41:13 +0200

betamax (0.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release. (Closes: #808880)

 -- Daniele Tricoli <>  Sun, 03 Jan 2016 15:34:07 +0000