blhc (0.12-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/salsa-ci.yml: removed no longer needed instruction to allow failures from blhc. * debian/tests/: added a new CI test called basic-ignore. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Sun, 02 Aug 2020 23:15:13 -0300 blhc (0.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.12. (Closes: #725484, #953335, #964160) * debian/NEWS: created to show the news about false positives. * debian/README.Debian: created to explain how to make to ignore false positives with blhc >= 0.12. * debian/rules: added a 'echo' line to ignore false positives from blhc. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Wed, 29 Jul 2020 20:41:39 -0300 blhc (0.11-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/control: - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.5.0. - Migrated DH level to 13. * debian/patches/20_detect-arch.patch: removed because the upstream fixed the source code in version 0.10. This patch was being applied by a packaging mistake. * debian/salsa-ci.yml: changed from disable to allow_failure for blhc CI test. See #962990 for details. * debian/upstream/metadata: created. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Wed, 22 Jul 2020 22:34:32 -0300 blhc (0.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.11. (Closes: #948009) * debian/copyright: updated upstream and packaging copyright years. * debian/salsa-ci.yml: disabled blhc. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Mon, 06 Jan 2020 00:39:22 -0300 blhc (0.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/salsa-ci.yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:23:40 -0300 blhc (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.10. (Closes: #924387, #929503, #930993, #939632, #941836) * debian/control: - Added Rules-Requires-Root field to source stanza. - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.4.1. * debian/copyright: - Added new rights. - Updated upstream copyright years. * debian/patches/10_fix-typo-README.patch: removed. The upstream fixed the source code. * debian/tests/control: added a new test. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Thu, 10 Oct 2019 23:04:13 -0300 blhc (0.09-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version to 4.4.0. * debian/patches/: - 10_fix-typo-README.patch: created to fix a typo in README file. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor . - 20_detect-arch.patch: created to detect architecture automatically on newer dpkg-buildpackage. Thanks to Mathieu Parent . (Closes: #929503) -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Wed, 31 Jul 2019 23:09:54 -0300 blhc (0.09-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Joao Eriberto Mota Filho ] * New maintainer. (Closes: #920072) * Ack for previous NMU. Thanks to Fabian Wolff . I did a NMU too. (Closes: #845339, #853265, #898332, #899137) * Using new DH level format. Consequently: - debian/compat: removed. - debian/control: changed from 'debhelper' to 'debhelper-compat' in Build-Depends field and bumped level to 12. * debian/control: - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.3.0. - Improved long description. * debian/copyright: - Added rights for Fabian Wolff and Ondřej Nový. - Updated upstream and packaging copyright years. * debian/rules: simplified. * debian/upstream/signing-key.asc: removed signatures to make the key minimal. [ Ondřej Nový ] * debian/copyright: Change Format URL to correct one. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Wed, 23 Jan 2019 20:51:03 -0200 blhc (0.09-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream release (Closes: #898332, #899137). * Add rudimentary autopkgtest package testing. * Upgrade to Standards-Version 4.2.1 (no changes). -- Fabian Wolff Fri, 31 Aug 2018 21:46:50 +0200 blhc (0.08-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Add upstream signing key and adjust watch file accordingly. * New upstream release (Closes: #853265). * Upgrade to debhelper compat level 11. * Upgrade to Standards-Version 4.2.0. * Install NEWS file as NEWS.gz, not as upstream changelog. * Update Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields to new Salsa URLs. * Mark blhc as Multi-Arch: foreign, as recommended by the Multiarch hinter. -- Fabian Wolff Wed, 22 Aug 2018 18:04:09 +0200 blhc (0.07+20170817+gita232d32-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream release. - The upstream added --debian as new option to fix PIE check in Debian. Thanks to Simon Ruderich . (Closes: #845339) * debian/control: bumped Standards-Version to 4.0.0. * debian/copyright: updated some rights and dates. * debian/watch: - Bumped to version 4. - Updated to ignore VCS tags. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Tue, 05 Sep 2017 10:16:33 -0300 blhc (0.07+20161116+gitbf41976-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream snapshot. ACK NMU, thanks to Joao Eriberto Mota Filho. * debian/compat - Update to 10. * debian/control - (Build-Depends): use debhelper 10. * debian/patches - (10_support-dpkg-debarch-to-debtuple.patch): Drop. Included. -- Jari Aalto Sun, 08 Jan 2017 13:22:32 +0200 blhc (0.07-0.2) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * debian/patches/10_support-dpkg-debarch-to-debtuple.patch: created to add support new dpkg versions which use debarch_to_debtuple. Thanks to Simon Ruderich . (Closes: #844393) -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Sun, 20 Nov 2016 19:09:48 -0200 blhc (0.07-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream release. (Closes: #828789, #833939) -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Sat, 10 Sep 2016 21:40:10 -0300 blhc (0.06-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream release. Fixes the following bugs: - "gets confused by output from gcc -v, g++ -v and reports false positives" (Closes: #765756) - "false positive: LDFLAGS missing (-Wl, -z, relro): rm -f afl-gcc ..." (Closes: #772853) - "possible false positive about missing CPPFLAGS in a linker call" (Closes: #784959) - "false positive for non verbose build" (Closes: #801492) - "FTBFS with Perl 5.24: Pod::Usage formatting changed" (Closes: #825428) - "false positives for comment lines" (Closes: #825671) * Update years of upstream copyright. * Change various URLs to use HTTPS in debian/control and debian/copyright. Thanks to duck and lintian. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 05 Jun 2016 17:07:19 +0200 blhc (0.05-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream release. (Closes: #785114) * debian/control: - Added libmodule-build-perl to Build-Depends field to avoid a FTBFS with Perl 5.22. Thanks to Dominic Hargreaves . (Closes: #788889) - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6. -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:27:28 -0300 blhc (0.04+20140813+gitac2b8ce-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fix -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE warning with -OO (Closes: #757683). - Check for -fstack-protector-strong (Closes: #757885). - Sync architecture specific hardening support with dpkg 1.17.11. -- Jari Aalto Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:19:04 +0300 blhc (0.04+20140705+gita32e11c-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fix False positives when compiling Python files (Closes: #753080). * debian/control - (Standards-Version): Update to 3.9.5. * debian/copyright - Update years. -- Jari Aalto Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:14:38 +0300 blhc (0.04+20130814+gitd569fff-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fix for -O0 or -Og builds (Closes: #714628). - Fix for python *.py file being byte-compiled (Closes: #714630). - Fix for libtool (Closes: #717598). - Fix for Ada .adb (Closes: #719656). * debian/copyright - Update years. -- Jari Aalto Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:44:58 +0300 blhc (0.04+20130602+git6bd8ae0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - Update Qt moc name (Closes: #710780). -- Jari Aalto Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:17:19 +0300 blhc (0.04+20130528+git4769334-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - Ignore variable definitions from output (Closes: #710135). * debian/control: - (Vcs-*): Update to * debian/copyright - Update year. -- Jari Aalto Sat, 01 Jun 2013 22:53:16 +0300 blhc (0.04+20130301+gitf840b1b-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - Detect C++ Library stdc++ build (Closes: #701877). -- Jari Aalto Fri, 01 Mar 2013 22:54:25 +0200 blhc (0.03+20121004+gite3d197b-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Detect moc-qt4/moc-qt5 link/compile calls (Closes: #689616). -- Jari Aalto Sat, 06 Oct 2012 09:42:11 +0300 blhc (0.03+20120925+git76236e4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Accept -Wformat=2. - Accept --param ssp-buffer=size; space instead of equals sign after param. - Fix build dependency checks for pbuilder logs. * debian/control - (Standards-Version): Update to 3.9.4. * debian/docs - Delete NEWS. Already installed as upstream changelog. -- Jari Aalto Wed, 26 Sep 2012 10:11:59 +0300 blhc (0.03+20120707+git23020a5-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fix false positive for Ada sources (Closes: #680117). * debian/rules: - (override_dh_installchangelogs): New. -- Jari Aalto Sat, 25 Aug 2012 10:12:04 +0300 blhc (0.03+20120626+git93afe23-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fixes for false positives. -- Jari Aalto Wed, 27 Jun 2012 08:31:51 +0300 blhc (0.03+20120603+gitb0ddb66-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - Fix false positive: Do not rely on -Wformat-security anymore, as is implied by -Werror=format-security (Closes: #676966). * debian/control - (Architecture): Update from any to all. -- Jari Aalto Mon, 11 Jun 2012 16:05:37 +0300 blhc (0.01+20120413+gitd9b1d77-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #668659). -- Jari Aalto Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:05:00 +0300