This is the opening book of gnuchess. It used to be distributed
together with gnuchess up to version 5.02. The Debian package was
prepared by Lukas Geyer <>

Upstream location of the book is

This opening book is in the public domain. It was put together and
cleaned up by Stuart Cracraft <> and Simon
Waters <>. Stuart wrote the following in
email, when asked about copyright.

  I personally built the GNU Chess book from a large set of FREE
  game collections from the University of Pittsburgh chess server.
  These are NOT copyrighted and are PUBLIC. I also wrote the code
  for the GNU Chess book without any reference at all to any other

  It is GNU Chess code and PUBLIC book that is non-copyrightable.


Note that all the code is in gnuchess, so this package itself is
purely public domain.

Lukas Geyer <>