Format: Upstream-Name: libccp4 Upstream-Contact: CCP4 Source: Files: * Copyright: (C) CCP4 License: LGPL-3 Files: debian/* Copyright: (C) Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_file_err.h ccp4/ccp4_sysdep.h ccp4/ccp4_types.h ccp4/ccp4_utils.h ccp4/cmap_accessor.c ccp4/cmap_close.c ccp4/cmap_data.c ccp4/cmap_data.h ccp4/cmap_errno.h ccp4/cmap_header.c ccp4/cmap_header.h ccp4/cmap_labels.c ccp4/cmap_labels.h ccp4/cmap_open.c ccp4/cmap_skew.c ccp4/cmap_skew.h ccp4/cmap_stats.c ccp4/cmap_stats.h ccp4/cmap_symop.c ccp4/cmaplib.h ccp4/cmaplib_f.h ccp4/library_err.c ccp4/library_file.c ccp4/library_file.h ccp4/library_utils.c fortran/cmaplib_f.c fortran/library_f.c Copyright: (C) 2001, CCLRC, Charles Ballard License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_spg.h ccp4/ccp4_unitcell.c ccp4/ccp4_unitcell.h ccp4/ccp4_vars.h ccp4/cmtzlib.c ccp4/cmtzlib.h ccp4/csymlib.c ccp4/csymlib.h ccp4/cvecmat.c ccp4/cvecmat.h ccp4/mtzdata.h ccp4/overview.h fortran/ccp4_general_f.c fortran/ccp4_unitcell_f.c fortran/cmtzlib_f.c fortran/csymlib_f.c Copyright: (C) 2001-2003, CCLRC, Martyn Winn License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/pack_c.h fortran/ccplib.f fortran/modlib.f fortran/parser.f fortran/plot84lib.f fortran/plotsubs.f fortran/rwbrook.f fortran/testlib.f Copyright: (C) 1995-2013, STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_parser.c ccp4/ccp4_parser.h ccp4/ccp4_program.c ccp4/ccp4_program.h fortran/ccp4_parser_f.c Copyright: (C) 2001, CCLRC, Peter Briggs License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/w32mvs.c fortran/pxxml.f fortran/w32mvs.f Copyright: (C) 1999, 2001, 2003 Alun Ashton License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_errno.h fortran/ccp4_diskio_f.c Copyright: (C) 2001-2002, CCLRC, Charles Ballard and Martyn Winn License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_general.c ccp4/ccp4_general.h Copyright: (C) 2001, CCLRC, Peter Briggs et al License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/pack_c.c fortran/pack_f.f Copyright: (C) 1995, Jan P Abrahams License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_array.c ccp4/ccp4_array.h Copyright: (C) 2002, Kevin Cowtan License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/w32mvs.h Copyright: (C) 1987, Free Software Foundation, Inc (C) 1987, Free Software Foundation, Inc."; and include following the (C) 2003, Alun Ashton License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/dna_header.fh fortran/dna_output.f Copyright: (C) 2004, CCLRC, Graeme Winter License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/keyparse.f Copyright: (C) 1995, Dave Love, Kevin Cowtan License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/ccp4_fortran.h Copyright: (C) 2001, Eugene Krissinel License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/sorting_main.f Copyright: (C) 2001, Garib Murshudov License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/lgglib.f Copyright: (C) 1999, Guoguang Lu License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/libhtml.f Copyright: (C) 1998, Kevin Cowtan et al License: LGPL-3 Files: fortran/fftlib.f Copyright: (C) Lynn Ten Eyck License: LGPL-3 Files: ccp4/vmslibrary.c Copyright: (C) 1999, Martyn Winn License: LGPL-3 License: LGPL-3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. . On Debian systems, the complete text of version 3 of the GNU Lesser Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3'.