libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.24-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend [ gregor herrmann ] * Add debian/upstream/metadata * Import upstream version 2.24 * Update years of packaging copyright. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6. * Mark package as autopkgtest-able. * Add patch to make build reproducible. Thanks to Chris Lamb for the bug report and patch. (Closes: #778979) -- gregor herrmann Sat, 02 May 2015 22:21:57 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs. * New upstream release. * Drop constants-whatis.patch, merged upstream. * Update years of upstream copyright. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:23:47 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.20-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Update years of packaging copyright. -- gregor herrmann Fri, 14 Feb 2014 21:18:32 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.19-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change based URIs to based URIs [ Axel Beckert ] * debian/copyright: migrate pre-1.0 format to 1.0 using "cme fix dpkg- copyright" [ gregor herrmann ] * New upstream release. * Drop spelling.patch, merged upstream. * debian/rules: use dh(1)'s --buildsystem instead of on override. * Update years of packaging copyright. * Use debhelper 9.20120312 to get all hardening flags. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.5. -- gregor herrmann Wed, 25 Dec 2013 21:54:14 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.18-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Ryan Niebur ] * Email change: Jonathan Yu -> [ Jonathan Yu ] * New upstream releases 2.16, 2.17 * Standards-Version 3.8.4 (no changes) * Use new 3.0 (quilt) source format * Remove patch to disable signature test (removed upstream) [ gregor herrmann ] * New upstream release 2.18 (closes: #628633). * Update copyright formatting and years of upstream copyright. * Remove commented out line frm debian/watch. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8. * Set Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes). * Add a patch to fix a small spelling mistake. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 05 Jun 2011 15:39:08 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.15-2) unstable; urgency=low * Standards-Version 3.8.2 (no changes) * New debian/rules format * Updated control description * Added myself to uploaders and copyright * Cleaned up copyright * Added a patch to skip signature checks unconditionally (Closes: #538113) [ Nathan Handler ] * debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases. -- Jonathan Yu Fri, 24 Jul 2009 20:16:27 -0400 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.15-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * debian/control: + Adding myself to the Uploaders + a more verbose description was written to make lintian happy -- Antonio Radici Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:06:22 +0000 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.13-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/control: - switch Vcs-Browser field to ViewSVN - add ${misc:Depends} to Depends: field - mention module name in long description * debian/watch: comment out author-based URL. * Add a short description to class_methodmaker_constants_whatis.patch. * Set debhelper compatibility level to 7; adapt debian/{control,compat,rules}. * debian/copyright: update formatting. -- gregor herrmann Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:39:18 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.12-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Remove patch no-warnings-once.patch, the bug is fixed in this upstream release. * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.0; add debian/README.source to document quilt usage. -- gregor herrmann Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:13:26 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.11-2) unstable; urgency=low * Add patch no-warnings-once.patch to turn off warnings about 'Name " Foo::Bar" used only once" (closes: #481227). * debian/control: change my email address. * Refresh debian/rules, no functional changes. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 25 May 2008 14:41:10 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.11-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- gregor herrmann Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:39:17 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.10-1) unstable; urgency=low [ gregor herrmann ] * Take over for the Debian Perl Group with maintainer's permission (cf. #463093). * Add debian/watch. * New upstream release; this is the "unauthorized" CPAN release from -- necessary to fix the FBTFS with Perl 5.10 (closes: #463093). Add the author-style URL for these releases to debian/watch. * debian/control: - add Vcs-Svn field (source stanza); Vcs-Browser field (source stanza); Homepage field (source stanza) - change Maintainer to Debian Perl Group (was: Peter Palfrader ) - depend on ${perl:Depends} and ${shlibs:Depends} (closes: #463090) - add libipc-run-perl to Build-Depends (used in tests) - add /me to Uploaders * debian/rules: - rewrite from scratch from dh-make-perl's template - install TODO from debian/rules, don't install README anymore, remove debian/docs accordingly - install examples/* * Set Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes). * Set debhelper compatibility level to 6; add debian/compat. * Remove debian/lintian.override. * Revert Build.PL to the pristine version (was patched in earlier releases). (We still use Makefile.PL because building with Build.PL fails.) * Add patch class_methodmaker_constants_whatis.patch (creates a missing whatis entry for a manpage); add quilt framework. * debian/copyright: add current upstream source location and maintainer, change to new format. [ Niko Tyni ] * Build-dependency version changes: + debhelper (>= 6), not (>> 6) + s/perl5/perl/, perl5 is provided by perl + the quilt in oldstable doesn't have quilt.make, we need (>= 0.40) * Add myself to Uploaders. -- Niko Tyni Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:21:41 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.07-2) unstable; urgency=low * 2.05-1 changed the package from arch: all to arch: any, but we still were doing all our work in binary-indep. Fix that (closes: #333065). -- Peter Palfrader Mon, 10 Oct 2005 12:55:55 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.07-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. * Update Standards-Version from 3.6.1 to 3.6.2. * Change debhelper compat level from 1 to 4. * Appease lintian and mention perl licenses with direct filename. -- Peter Palfrader Mon, 10 Oct 2005 02:59:11 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.05-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. * Add dependency on perl. * Patch Build.PL to -I include the proper archlib directory, not the install-archlib directory, in the CC call. Works around libmodule-build-perl Bug #292054. * Make 'make install' instead of 'make pure_install' in the rules file's install target. * Tweak INSTALLARCHLIB setting to configure, so the makefiles properly install into usr/lib/perl5 instead of perl's core directory. * Since we now have binary files too (, build for arch: any instead of arch: all. Also adapt bulid-depends accordingly (no -indep anymore). * Fix short description to not start with 'A '. * Update my copyright notices for debian packaging to 2005. * Add a lintian override for copyright-file-lacks-pointer-to-perl-license We do refer to the perl license. -- Peter Palfrader Tue, 1 Feb 2005 00:58:40 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.02-2) unstable; urgency=low * Make sure there is no .packlist file in the binary package (closes: #291900). -- Peter Palfrader Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:46:36 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (2.02-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version (closes: #268883). * debian/rules: s/lib/share/ for INSTALLPRIVLIB. * Move standards-version to 3.6.1; no changes needed. * Update debian/copyright file. * Set proper NAMEs in Class::MethodMaker::{hash,array,scalar}.3pm manpages. -- Peter Palfrader Tue, 28 Sep 2004 20:15:55 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.12-2) unstable; urgency=low * Change section to perl to fix override disparity. -- Peter Palfrader Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:41:42 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.12-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. -- Peter Palfrader Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:16:57 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.05-2) unstable; urgency=low * New Standards-Version: 3.5.7 - Have no /usr/doc link anymore (actually building against the new debhelper does fix this - I'll not depend on it tho to make building it on older releases easier) - Change Build-Depends to Build-Depends-Indep -- Peter Palfrader Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:51:09 +0100 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.05-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. * Make sure there are no empty dirs in the package. * Removed emacs stuff from end of changelog. -- Peter Palfrader Sun, 31 Mar 2002 21:34:35 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.02-2) unstable; urgency=low * Changed Section from libs to interpreters to match override file. -- Peter Palfrader Mon, 7 May 2001 03:02:07 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.02-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. * Changed maintainer email address. * Standards-Version: 3.5.4. * Removed dependency and build time dependency on perl5. The perl base should suffice. * Removed .packlist file. -- Peter Palfrader Sun, 6 May 2001 17:48:19 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (1.01-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version -- Peter Palfrader Sun, 24 Sep 2000 00:52:52 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (0.96-2) unstable; urgency=low * Changed Architecture to all (Closes: #71509) -- Peter Palfrader Wed, 13 Sep 2000 21:36:08 +0200 libclass-methodmaker-perl (0.96-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release (closes: #69480). -- Peter Palfrader Sun, 20 Aug 2000 16:19:06 +0200