libjs-qunit (1.23.1~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * new release(s) [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * simplify rules; stop build-depend on dh-buildinfo cdbs * add source script copyright-check; stop build-depend on devscripts * generate html and plaintext documentation; build-depend on pandoc * declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.5.1 * set Rules-Requires-Root: no * use debhelper compatibility level 13 (not 9); build-depend on debhelper-compat (not debhelper) * copyright: + use https protocol in format identifier + use License-Grant and License-Reference fields; add lintian override (see bug#786450) + update coverage + list only canonical Github URL as Source URL + repackage upstream source, removing pre-generated code * override lintian for more License is in License-Reference field warnings (see bug#786450) * update watch file: + use file format 4 (not 3) + simplify regular expressions + use substitution strings + set dversionmangle=auto + add usage comment + track NPM registry (newest 1.x tags don't appear in regular Github matching) + limit to 1.x releases (node module name got renamed since 2.4.1) * fix generate code during build (not use upstream pre-generated code), and check minimal testsuite; build-depend on grunt node-grunt-contrib-concat node-load-grunt-tasks * update git-buildpackage settings: + use DEP-14 git branch names + avoid deprecated section name * add patch 2001 to avoid prviacy leaks in documentation * update Vcs-* fields: maintenance moved to salsa * compress for browser use; build-depend on brotli pigz uglifyjs -- Jonas Smedegaard Tue, 01 Dec 2020 16:56:07 +0100 libjs-qunit (1.22.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Install CSS file as well (closes: #748886). * Generalize watch file. * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.7 and debhelper level to 9 . -- Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) Fri, 04 Mar 2016 12:42:42 +0000 libjs-qunit (1.14.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release with addons removed for now. -- Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:35:11 +0000 libjs-qunit (1.13.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5 . * Update watch file. * Add mysqlf to Uploaders. -- Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) Wed, 08 Jan 2014 09:23:07 +0000 libjs-qunit (1.12.0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New release. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Update README.source to emphasize file as *not* a show-stopper for contributions. * Add git URL as alternate source. * Stop tracking md5sum of upstream tarball. * Extend copyright coverage for main upstream author. -- Jonas Smedegaard Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:49:24 +0200 libjs-qunit (1.11.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. Closes: Bug#695662. -- Jonas Smedegaard Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:05:31 +0100