libpst (0.6.71-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload, and move to salsa. * New upstream release. (Closes: #839620) * Use libgd-dev to replace libgd2-*-dev in build-dep. (Closes: #880773) * Remove -dbg and readpst. (Closes: #732767) * Remove autotools-dev and raise debhelper version to 10. [Helmut Grohne] * Use triplet prefixed pkg-config. (Closes: #838390) -- YunQiang Su Fri, 23 Mar 2018 14:42:23 +0800 libpst (0.6.59-1) unstable; urgency=low * [ec26e2d0] Imported Upstream version 0.6.59 -- Leo Costela Sun, 19 May 2013 02:49:16 +0200 libpst (0.6.58-1) experimental; urgency=low * [5237d7e5] Imported Upstream version 0.6.58 - avoid PATH_MAX to build on Hurd (closes: #685925) * [18906421] fix libgd build-dep * [bf9b6ebf] add libgsf build-dep * [e013b259] drop patches imported upstream -- Leo Costela Sun, 20 Jan 2013 20:42:18 +0100 libpst (0.6.55-1) experimental; urgency=low * [3461d28b] Imported Upstream version 0.6.55 -- Leo Costela Sat, 08 Sep 2012 18:40:08 +0200 libpst (0.6.54-4) unstable; urgency=low [ Jordi Mallach ] * [853813f5] Build-Depend on imagemagick and libgd2-noxpm-dev to enable pst2dii. * [819df437] Convert to Multi-Arch. (closes: #675944) * [729479e2] Add symbols file for libpst4. * [7966419c] Move outlook.pst.5 to -dev package. Add required Breaks/Replaces. [ Leo Costela ] * [77eccd92] make -dbg multi-arch:same -- Leo Costela Sat, 30 Jun 2012 19:56:35 +0200 libpst (0.6.54-3) unstable; urgency=low * [998a461c] make source priority:optional * [51a065db] remove debian/* from debian/copyright * [a22c4d08] install includes to versioned dir (Closes: 675705) -- Leo Costela Sat, 02 Jun 2012 22:54:09 +0200 libpst (0.6.54-2) unstable; urgency=low * [4784128e] re-add readpst as transitional package -- Leo Costela Sat, 02 Jun 2012 18:06:10 +0200 libpst (0.6.54-1) unstable; urgency=low * upload to unstable to take-over package (see #512909) * [6046fa94] Imported Upstream version 0.6.54 (closes: 512909) * [4b606aa2] adding debian/watch * [2ba6de21] add debian/TODO * [bc915076] add Vcs-* headers; add breaks/replaces readpst * [1872122e] adding patch to store Status in mbox files * [7956254a] drop mbox_flags.patch (merged upstream) * [07cc5885] debian/copyright: update copyright years * [970d1ae5] add patch to build with --no-add-needed * [9fc8d5e9] register HTML docs with doc-base * [8d3b4707] update dont_build_debian_dir patch to use autoreconf * [0b128dd1] clarify short-description for libpst-dev * [20214026] drop chrpath usage; --disable-rpath now works * [7888d515] use hardening flags and build with --as-needed * [268d5e37] bump policy to 3.9.3 (no changes) * [187ef1a7] add patch to fix ax_boost_python.m4 -- Leo Costela Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:10:53 +0200 libpst (0.6.52-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * migrate to debhelper 8 * debian/control: - bump policy to 3.9.2 (no changes) - change Homepage to point at new fork - build-dep on chrpath, since --disable-rpath doesn't seem to work * debian/rules: - manually delete RPATH on dh_install -- Leo Costela Tue, 14 Jul 2011 20:21:19 +0200 libpst (0.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release, closes: #489645. * bump debhelper compat to 6, no changes. * debian/control: + bump std-ver to 3.8.0, no changes. + add Homepage field * create debug package to help with analyzing readpst problems + use -O0 when compiling to ensure stuff is not optimized out -- Joe Nahmias Mon, 14 Jul 2008 23:53:37 -0400 libpst (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Fixes content-type for attachments, closes: #256819. * many, many memory fixes, closes: #263025. * lots of other improvements. * Bump debhelper compat to 5, std-ver to; no changes. * Update FSF address in debian/copyright. -- Joe Nahmias Sun, 31 Dec 2006 06:14:50 +0000 libpst (0.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * New upstream maintainer. * update debian/watch to use files on alioth. -- Joe Nahmias Wed, 17 Nov 2004 20:10:18 -0500 libpst (0.5-4) unstable; urgency=low * The "I'm getting the feeling that I'm turning into upstream" release. * readpst.c: ensure there's a blank line between header and body; patch from (SF #890745). * readpst.c: fix string escaping to consider escaped '\n', closes: #242252; thanks to Paul Bakker . * updated version number to 0.5 to match upstream tarball name, thanks to "Chris B." for noticing. * update debian/watch. -- Joe Nahmias Thu, 1 Jul 2004 16:35:16 -0400 libpst (0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low * libpst.c: fix date/time on big-endian machines. * added debian/watch file for upstream version tracking with uscan. -- Joe Nahmias Fri, 12 Mar 2004 00:32:19 -0500 libpst (0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * libpst.h: Fix endian handling, closes: #236944. * lzfu.c: Fix endian mixups. -- Joe Nahmias Wed, 10 Mar 2004 23:58:03 -0500 libpst (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * debian/copyright: updated download location. * typo corrections in manpages (thanks era eriksson!) -- Joe Nahmias Tue, 24 Feb 2004 21:59:13 -0500 libpst (0.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release (closes: #178113). * Included critical updates that upstream sent me from CVS. * Wrote manpage for readpstlog. -- Joe Nahmias Tue, 15 Apr 2003 18:55:00 -0400