mate-equake-applet ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (Closes: #849267) * Migrated to gtk3 which is the default major version of gtk used by mate in the current debian stable and newer * Limited the amount to which text can grow before being displayed into GtkLabel when viewing historical data for the week, to prevent GtkLabel from crashing * Added test to count amount of commas left in text to be processed -- Jeroen van Aart Fri, 04 May 2018 19:10:14 -0700 mate-equake-applet ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (Closes: #849267) * Migrated to use https to download earthquake data because USGS will phase out or has phased out http access, see also: * Some minor code clean up and changes to the build environment * Some minor changes related to debian packaging -- Jeroen van Aart Sun, 05 Mar 2017 06:03:37 -0800 mate-equake-applet (1.3.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #849267) -- Jeroen van Aart Sat, 17 Dec 2016 17:49:46 -0800