profbval (1.0.22-8) unstable; urgency=medium * Stop using pp_popcon * Upstream download vanished * Standards-Version: 4.6.0 (routine-update) * Add missing build dependency on dh addon. -- Andreas Tille Tue, 18 Jan 2022 21:22:48 +0100 profbval (1.0.22-7) unstable; urgency=medium * Standards-Version: 4.5.1 (routine-update) * debhelper-compat 13 (routine-update) * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog (routine-update) * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/control (routine-update) * Add salsa-ci file (routine-update) * Rules-Requires-Root: no (routine-update) * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Submit (from ./configure). * Remove obsolete field Name from debian/upstream/metadata (already present in machine-readable debian/copyright). * Replace use of deprecated $ADTTMP with $AUTOPKGTEST_TMP. * watch file standard 4 (routine-update) -- Andreas Tille Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:05:03 +0100 profbval (1.0.22-6) unstable; urgency=medium * pp-popularity-contest only suggested * debhelper 11 * Point Vcs fields to * Standards-Version: 4.2.1 -- Andreas Tille Thu, 18 Oct 2018 12:03:49 +0200 profbval (1.0.22-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Moved packaging from SVN to Git * debhelper 10 * Standards-Version: 4.1.1 -- Andreas Tille Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:24:06 +0100 profbval (1.0.22-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * added allow-stderr restriction to debian/tests/control - in case when recommended package `pp-popularity-contest` is not installed, and described that in debian/README.test * add hardening -- Tatiana Malygina Sat, 16 Jul 2016 08:53:20 +0300 profbval (1.0.22-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * changed citation in debian/upstream/metadata from search string to corresponding PMID article link * add simple testsuite * cme fix dpkg-control * added d/README.test + d/docs, improved installation-test -- Tatiana Malygina Wed, 08 Jun 2016 17:41:47 +0000 profbval (1.0.22-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add myself to Uploaders * Moved debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata * cme fix dpkg-control * Priority: optional * debhelper 9 * DEP5 fix -- Andreas Tille Fri, 08 Jan 2016 16:05:13 +0100 profbval (1.0.22-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release in Debian (Closes: #680140) -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 14 Aug 2012 13:30:13 +0200 profbval (1.0.16) unstable; urgency=low * man page update for multiple output files and formats * moved references to PP standard section -- Laszlo Kajan Mon, 16 May 2011 13:37:18 +0200 profbval (1.0.15) unstable; urgency=low * Added ability to create multiple outputs with the intention to save output in multiple formats -- Laszlo Kajan Wed, 11 May 2011 15:39:45 +0200 profbval (1.0.14) stable; urgency=low * Made prof output regexp line recognize more prof outputs -- Laszlo Kajan Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:41:42 +0100 profbval (1.0.13) * Input sequence now converted to upper case before processing (and so lower case sequences are now accepted) -- Laszlo Kajan Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:19:10 +0200 profbval (1.0.12) * Now accepts `O' as a valid amino acid (for pyrrolysine) -- Laszlo Kajan Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:07:23 +0200 profbval (1.0.11) * Now accepts `U' as a valid amino acid (for selenocysteine) -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:24:37 +0200 profbval (1.0.10) * Documented mode 5 a bit on the man page -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:44:59 +0200 profbval (1.0.9) * Made profbval completely silent when debug is off and operation is normal -- Laszlo Kajan Wed, 16 Jun 2010 11:48:10 +0200 profbval (1.0.8) * -> automake/autoconf -- Laszlo Kajan Mon, 14 Jun 2010 12:15:19 +0200 profbval (1.0.7) * Added early checking of input fasta sequence for valid sequence * Added debug command line option -- Laszlo Kajan Mon, 03 May 2010 14:39:22 +0200 profbval (1.0.6) * Documented environment variable PROFBVAL_ROOT -- Laszlo Kajan Sat, 19 Dec 2009 11:27:53 +0100 profbval (1.0.5) * snapfun(snap) output mode added -- Laszlo Kajan Fri, 11 Dec 2009 22:56:36 +0100 profbval (1.0.4) * temporary directory collision problem solved * prefix is now correctly respected -- Laszlo Kajan Fri, 11 Dec 2009 14:02:57 +0100 profbval (1.0.2) * Examples added. -- Guy Yachdav Wed, 09 Dec 2009 15:51:56 +0100 profbval (1.0.0) * Initial version. -- Guy Yachdav Tue, 01 Dec 2009 12:51:59 +0200