ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (0.0.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Debian Janitor ] * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database. * Remove obsolete field Name from debian/upstream/metadata (already present in machine-readable debian/copyright). [ Pirate Praveen ] * New upstream version 0.0.12 * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0 (no changes needed) -- Pirate Praveen Fri, 22 May 2020 16:00:15 +0530 ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (0.0.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version 0.0.10 * debp14 states we should use debian/master for master branch * d/control: * bump standards to 4.4.1 * add missing Rules-Requires-Root field * Add upstream/metadata file for dep12 compatibility -- Joseph Herlant Sun, 15 Dec 2019 18:30:44 -0800 ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (0.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version 0.0.9 * d/control: * bump standards to * switch to debhelper-compat 12 * d/copyright: fix insecure url to the manual [ Utkarsh Gupta ] * Add salsa-ci.yml -- Joseph Herlant Wed, 21 Aug 2019 10:30:11 -0700 ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (0.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload * New upstream version 0.0.8 * Use in Vcs-* fields * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4 (no changes needed) * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 11 * Update gemwatch url -- Pirate Praveen Thu, 26 Apr 2018 15:54:53 +0530 ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml (0.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial release (Closes: #866196) -- Balasankar C Tue, 27 Jun 2017 12:56:29 +0530