ruby-listen (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Debian Janitor ] * Set field Upstream-Contact in debian/copyright. * Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata (already present in machine-readable debian/copyright). [ Pirate Praveen ] * New upstream version 3.2.1 * Refresh patches (remove patches no longer required) -- Pirate Praveen Mon, 03 Aug 2020 17:37:35 +0530 ruby-listen (3.1.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * d/compat: Remove obsolete file. * d/control: Add Rules-Requires-Root and Testsuite fields. (Build-Depends): Use debhelper-compat version 12 and raise version of ruby-rb-inotify to 0.9.7 according to gemspec. (Standards-Version): Bump to 4.5.0. (Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Git): Fix URLs. (Depends): Remove interpreter. * d/copyright (Format): Fix insecure-copyright-format-uri. * d/rules: Add override to install upstream * d/upstream/metadata: Add metadata. * d/patches/0005-Fix-linux-specs.patch: Add patch. - Use raw Pathname to fix Linux specs (closes: #952030). * d/patches/0006-Disable-coveralls.patch: Add patch. - Don't use coveralls at all. * d/patches/series: Add new patch. * d/tests/: Remove old tests now triggered by Testsuite. -- Daniel Leidert Sat, 29 Feb 2020 14:38:33 +0100 ruby-listen (3.1.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) ] * New upstream release. * Refresh patches. - d/p/0003-fix-listener-test-in-ruby2_3.patch: applied upstream. * d/p/0001-Remove-OSX-specific-dependency.patch: more remove OSX deps. * d/p/0004-disable-ruby_dep.patch: new patch. * d/rules: remove test fixtures. * Support autopkgtest-pkg-ruby. * Bump Standards-Versio to 4.1.1 (no changes needed) * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 10 [ Cédric Boutillier ] * Use https:// in Vcs-* fields * Run wrap-and-sort on packaging files -- HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) Tue, 05 Dec 2017 16:21:17 +0900 ruby-listen (3.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team Upload. * Added patch 0003-fix-listener-test-in-ruby2_3.patch * Update packaging using dh-make-ruby -w - Bump Standards-Versio to 3.9.7 (no changes needed) - Set debhelper compatibility level to 9 - use https:// in Vcs-* fields -- Thiago Ribeiro Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:01:27 -0300 ruby-listen (3.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium * drop `Recommends: ruby-rb-inotify` since it became a proper dependency. * Added patch 0002-gemspec-skip-git-usage.patch -- Antonio Terceiro Sat, 08 Aug 2015 12:52:38 -0300 ruby-listen (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload * New upstream release - ported to rspec3 (Closes: #794136) * debian/watch: point at github since upstream stopped shipping the tests on rubygems * debian/patches: remove all tests, none of them applies anymore * Add debian/patches/0001-Remove-OSX-specific-dependency.patch * Update packaging with a new dh-make-ruby run -- Antonio Terceiro Sat, 08 Aug 2015 09:42:36 -0300 ruby-listen (2.4.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * debian/patches/remove-mcosx-specific-dependency.patch: remove MacOSX-specific dependency from gemspec -- Antonio Terceiro Fri, 18 Apr 2014 22:08:09 -0300 ruby-listen (2.4.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Add missing dependency on ruby-celluloid (Closes: #737466) -- Cédric Boutillier Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:44:09 +0100 ruby-listen (2.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Make the package arch: all * Add the following patches: + deactivate_arch_specific_tests.patch: do not run arch-specific tests on non Linux architectures + do_not_fail_fast.patch: run the test suite until the end even if some tests fail -- Cédric Boutillier Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:29:27 +0100 ruby-listen (2.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Markus Tornow ] * Initial release (Closes: #693347) [ Cédric Boutillier ] * help with packaging effort -- Cédric Boutillier Fri, 24 Jan 2014 01:39:00 +0100